ZIM incorporated shipping stock analysis/ ZIM Stock
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thank you for your analysis, very informative
Glad it was helpful!
Hi Sven,
How about Clarkson? I think it’s a great risk/reward at the moment. And a plus for them is that they steadily grow their dividend, independently of the cycle.
they move also a lot with the cycle, so keep that in mind, I am covering them too on my research platform so we will see over time.
I follow shipping stocks and container ships are no go now, the boom in ordering couple of years ago was really value destroying. Liners like Zim wont make meaningful money for years and they are priced too expensive for their earnings potential. There are not fat pitches in shipping now in my opinion. Maybe SFL, Stolt and some dry bulkers or off shore drillers if you can wait few years are fairly priced but nothing easy. Most are expensive.
What i would disagree with you is that does this sector fit for small investors. Its pretty much the best there is for small investor in my opinion! These companies are simple: you know where the money comes and where it goes, you know what are the assets and their worth. Ordering books are not secret and valuations are easy to determine. Liquidity is bad, companies are small, moves are fast – big investors cant come here – we small people can come and go!
I agree, but my thinking was not now, and not for buy and hold long-term, but to play the cycles, definitely!!!
Don’t worry Sven, when Alibaba booms we will buy all the ships 🙂
I’m currently retired, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, I decided to stay on the sideline for awhile, now I’m worried with the numerous bank failures as of late, am I better off reinvesting my savings in the stock market or do I wait?
The good mix is the way buy cashflow stocks and keep half cash, feels good
I’m scared but also excited to add to my positions as the market drops
80% equities 20% cash. I plan to take advantage of the next market downturn where s&p 500 will drop below 15%. I’m hoping to end the rat race by 55. I’m terrible in timing the market. So I just buy great companies at reasonable prices and hold them for the long term. If the market drops, all the better, I’ll just add more to my positions in great companies. Before the latest drop in the market was down to $105k now up to about $550K
I’m seeking to invest a good amount across various markets and was advised to diversify between stocks and bonds, since they can help hedge against inflation, but can’t tell which is safer at this point, or am I better off just holding cash?
Can’t advice you on the best approach i’m not a pro but will recommend you speak with an FA, Martha Cornell Kerns, credit to her constant advice and guidance on the best stocks to buy
Excellent video Sven. It says that the company has been in business since 1953. It that just marketing? Surely there has been down periods since 1953 where the liquidated the company ?
Hello Sven. What is your takeaway on $BABA (AliBaba) company? I’ve seen your video around it from some time ago, is your perspective around it still the same?
Hi! What about Hapag LIoyd? I mean, excluding the industry-cycle situation.. is it well-managed? It seems to me closer to Maersk on fundamentals.
What are your thoughts on VLCCs. They seem to be on the very under ordered part of the cycle. Would that not be the time to buy companies within the shipping cycle?
Hi Sven. Can you do a video on the Chinese economy like you did on Europe and US?
This was my worst investment ever, i would have another 1k usd yearly of dividends if i bought anything index with a yield. I’m holding onto the shares as a reminder of my hubris
Thanks for video.
Just wanted to mention that ZIM is a 75 years old company. It survived many industry cycles. The bankruptcy is, of course, possible, but not likely.
All the best!
it was bancrupt recently
brilliant piece. clear that buying small shipping companies is a bad plan. can be useful to follow them as another indication of the business cycle.
You missed Clasquin stock, mr Carlin.
Good compounder even in recent shipping bubble.
…and taking over bid just few days ago by MSC.
Thank you for your analysis! Very helpful. I was thinking of selling puts for the begining of 2025 but after seeing this video, I’ll stay put! 🙂
Thank you Sven, I wonder if it is the same for the rail industry?
Hi Sven,
why don’t you have a look at Kering SA? strong fondamentals, great luxury brands, family owned business, fairly priced at these leveles. would you mind to consider it in one of your next videos? best regards
Agree with this
Thank you for the analysis Sven. What about online retailers? Is this oversupply of ships by the industry good for other sectors?
Thanks Sven for the analysis. Let’s put one of these stocks- Zim, Kranshares, Realty Income, or Walgreens into our YT portfolio that you have in a spreadsheet. Would be great to track to check if are actually getting out analysis right or not.
Just my opinion: with the debt this company has, I would have rather paid off some debt rather than pay out those insane dividends.
Interesting company though, which also has an interesting history.