Vodafone Stock Analysis – Leave It To The Management And Pension Funds

Analysis – Leave It To The Management And Pension Funds

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Analysis – Leave It To The Management And Pension Funds

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    1. @Mike Knox I’m invested in Freenet, Orange, Millicom, China Mobile and Ericsson (telecommunication infrastructure)

  1. My personal experience with Vodafone: My parents live in Hungary. Vodafone aquired UPC Hungary (TV cable provider) in 2019 and the quality of the service really deteriorted. In 2022 they sold the business again. That’s why Hungary is no longer listed in the presentation Sven is showing. Doesn’t look like a company I would invest in either.

  2. Great video Sven! I wrote this comment in your previous video but since you put out this one I will repeat myself. For the watch list – Encore wire. It’s a company that produces copper wire and cables. Positives – more than three times cash over liabilities, growing revenue and net income. Negatives – cyclical business, the stock tends to go down dramatically when the cycle turns. I propose to by the stock when it’s around 100 dollars. What iss your opinion?

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  4. 5:00 for me Vodafone is like Virgin: don’t provide good customer service and always is a could be.

  5. I also find Vodafone rather uninteresting as an investment.

    But I think there are some bargains among the telecommunications companies. I myself am invested in Airtel Africa, for example. Everything is there with this investment: growth, decent dividends, relatively low debt for a telecommunications provider and all of that for a price that is at least fair.

    1. I commented just now, and within it accept that whilst Vodafone’s African arm is promising (about the only part of it I like), I’d much rather just buy Airtel Africa as my play. Why would you buy all the rest of the baggage for Africa, when you can just buy a better and more focused business.

    2. @The Boss Hog – Wealth, Health and Betterment

      The good thing about the African market is that the telecommunications companies there not only offer telephone, SMS and Internet, but also mobile payment processing. it is important to know that most africans don’t have a bank account and don’t have credit cards either, almost all transactions that are not carried out in cash in african countries are processed via the payment systems of the mobile phone provider. This market that in europe, north america and co. ist dominated by the banks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal and co., is dominated by the mobile phone operators in africa. This allows them to have completely different margins and a completely different growth (compared to European or North American), since the capital requirement in this area is not as high as in your classic telecommunications business.

  6. Unless its going bankrupt, every bad company eventually gets to its lowest point in share price. I think Vodafone is close to that.

  7. Sven, I live in Sweden, and I am currently in my 30’s. With my current income and investing, in order to have a good pension I’m happy with by the time I’m 65, I need to make 7% annual return on my investment. Would you say this is an achieveable goal to strive for (while at the same time working to raise my income)?

  8. Bought recently, 10% yield, ridiculous p/e ratio, some mergers and getting rid of shitty investment/decreasing staff

  9. For me, the final straw was when they announced a new CEO, the previous CFO! She presumably was in the same room for the last 5 years, and so things about change ring hollow. Also, I have it on very good authority (and I only made a video after as I considered it insider info) that Vodafone were looking at various external and industry respected candidates, and what they were offering was essentially laughed at in terms of remuneration. It is seen as an unwieldly mess with a culture resistant to change, that would tarnish the legacy of most respected CEOs and Chairmen if any turnaround didn’t succeed.

    I reviewed Voda’s whole strategic deck a few weeks ago, and it’s a bit of a joke. “Customer. Simplicity. Growth”. Bleh. I’ve worked in telecoms for my whole 15 year career, and I’ve only ever known them be a loser. Having worked with them on several projects, or as a business / wholesale customer, they are the worse provider. Their technical and commercial offerings are dreadful, and their whole business model is dated.

    They have made a bunch of poor acqusitions over the years, notably buying legacy landline networks and looking to build an international approach for roaming and IDD usage, at the exact time that IP was gaining traction. Whilst Voda focuses on 20% RRP margin mobile, Gamma was busy building the largest SIP network in the UK. Telefonica and EE are miles ahead. They are now considering buying 3 almost out of desperation, creating a 15bn business on a 50/50 basis… Yick at that implied UK Vodafone value. They are essentially keeping, and adding, to thorns whilst selling the roses.

    It does trade on a hefty discount, but the earnings updates were dreadful. I couldn’t believe with the ability to pass on inflation increases in price it was so poor. Upcoming legislation in many countries won’t help, especially Germany (all the focus is on the unbundling of products and stopping “jagged edge” contract end dates by product, but there’s a bunch of very strict payment and ceasing regulation there too that will create cash collection and bad debt problems). Their African stuff is the only real jewel, and there’s (public) rumours that the Middle Eastern money really wants to spin that off, which would cause a surge in the share price if announced as it’s a very promising business (though I’d just go for Airtel Africa if that’s your play as an investor).

    I will be shocked if Vodafone as a business makes it past 2040.

  10. I own Cogeco (Canada and NE US cable), and KT Corp (Korean cable, wireless) both small positions. think both much better valued vs Vodafone. maybe low ROC is ok, if the cashlow yield is high, and you hope the capex will slow in future years. maybe that is finally true for telco, post 5g. there has to be a right price for everything! thanks as always for your content

  11. These are fantastic takes, In today’s economy, assistance is critical if we are to survive. I was really hopeful about my investments this year but all my plans have been disoriented, I’ve been studying the market crashes and I realized some investors made millions from the recent recession and I was wondering if such success rate could be achieved in this present market. Any recommendations?

    1. The market always bounces back. Make sure you are taking the time, and putting yourself in a position, to be able to do so when the timing is right.

    2. I grew to a 7 figure well-diversified portfolio. I only buy quality firms, anticipate to hold them regardless of what happens, pay up but not too much, keep track, sell only when necessary, and be ready to course correct. also ignore the forecasts and market views which are at best entertaining but completely useless. ever grateful to Trisha Jean Webb my F.A… keep investing and you will be fine.

    3. @Cliff Warren checked for your FA and found her web page. she is very impressive , I wrote her and I’m waiting on her.

  12. Awesome video! I was blown away by the recent economic data! There seems to be uncertainty over inflation and the U.S. stock market is at a crucial crossroads. Despite growing concerns among investors, the economy shows signs of resilience which could help Bitcoin remain stable. Interestingly, the crypto market, which is usually correlated with the U.S. stock market, has been moving in the opposite direction. BTC and the Nasdaq are currently bouncing back. However, with the sentiment changing fast now is the perfect time to get into the crypto market. Linda Wilburn’s excellent trading strategy has helped me amass 32 btc in the three weeks that I’ve been trading. In this field, she is a true visionary.

    1. I strongly advise you against self trading, it’s really dangerous and has brought many investors down, you need someone with the right strategies and expertise to do the work for you, I recommend Linda Wilburn expertise.

  13. Sven what do you think Liberty Global sees in VOD as they are buying vodafone stock. Seth Klarman also buyer of liberty?

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