Verizon is Still Verizon – Dividend Approaching 7% !!!

Verizon is among the dividends stock we have actually gone over in the past.

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Verizon is Still Verizon – Dividend Approaching 7% !!!

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. I’ve been tempted to buy Verizon for the dividend but because of their high debt level And with rates continuing to go up I have hesitated in buying 😮

    1. A large majority of their debt is fixed under 4%. You don’t have to worry too much about rates going up.

  2. Last few years there has been more and more competition with companies (red pocket, mint, visible…) that wholesale from these major cellular carriers and then sell discounted/inferior mobile service. Not sure how much it will impact them.

    1. @TheBooban certainly not in coverage, t mobile does not work where I live at all but in densely populated they are good. Verizon has more mmWave tho in that area

  3. Hi Sven. I was interested in Verizon at first, because of the attractive Dividend, but a deeper analysis convinced me to stay away from the stock.

    It is not only the huge, enormous debt Verizon has: also growth is stagnated (from 115.846M in 2012 to 133.613 in 2021). That is a negative real growth if we take Inflation into account.

    Not only that, but the shares outstanding has increased from 2841M in 2009 to 4148M in 2021. That is simply AWFUL.

    At some level, an investment in Verizon would make sense. But right now, I am not confident.

    PD: Btw, do you have plans to talk about Nike? 🙂

  4. Thanks for the video. What would you say is your margin of safety price? Or is there no margin of safety price due to high debt levels?

  5. Hello Sven, what do you think about DCA covered call ETF’s such as JEPI when the market is overvalued, and when the market is in value territory, DCA SPY?

    Thanks for the great videos and effort!

  6. Great insights as always. Will you analyze NKE and/or ADDYY. It is very interesting what might have changed in these businesses that caused Nike price to drop more than half and Adidas is now trading close to 1/4 of previous high of 199.44.

  7. Stock suggestion: Blackrock (BLK-NYSE), it manages $7 trillion worth. Own the racetrack, not the horse. Stock price came down a lot, like the market but it’s a containder when stock market will rise again. T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. (TROW-NDQ) is also about the same story.

  8. Great update on VZ.
    When analyzing Euro stocks can you take a look at Aurubis AG (NDA), the largest copper recycler worldwide.They have pretty good Free Cash Flow, are paying back their debt quite aggressively, good dividends. But I think they will be affected by the high energy prices in Europe.

    1. Ooh now this looks interesting. According to the sources I find, they have no outstanding debt anymore. Tangible book value far above share price.
      Thanks for bringing it up. Never heard of them but will dive deeper.

  9. Verizon can cut their dividend down though. happened to me during oil and gas crash 2020 when their dividend percentage was too high and never in their company history have they ever cut dividend. So yea, 👏🏻

  10. Hi Sven, I would like you to make a video on Vermillion Energy. It has great diversified portfolio of gas and Oil in Europe, Australia and Nort America. Has great Tailwinds with the blunder Europe has commited and still commiting towards its future energy requirements ( closing Nuclear Plants etc.). The Oil prices doesnt seem to be much lower than $60/ barrel in the next decade. Vermillion is a relatively small company with 3.74B Market cap, better cash flows than OXY and much more diversified.

  11. What is your opinion on buying US stocks when the Euro is now weaker? EUR lost 25% of value compared to USD which means that buying US stocks now is 25% more expensive for people in Europe.

  12. Hi Sven, I have a recommendation for analysis- it is ORPEA, French company in nursing homes business…very low p/b values, it seems that they have more cash than market cap right now…issues with some bad news and credibility but I feel like it has good risk/reward ratio. What do you think?

  13. Hi Sven
    Can i make a sugestion for 3 stocks.
    Kroger (KR)
    Sanofi (SNY)
    Two dividend stocks and one growth.
    KR and SNY with a p/e under 15 some debt, but a little bit undervalued i Think. But for this maked they Can be good buys.

    DSV – great manegenent, really like The Company. Good buy for europeans with The dollars being 25% more expensive. I Will look at european Stock also.

    Thanks Sven

  14. Vz great deal. i wouldnt be suprsed if buffet bought back in. good dividend , good products , better than the competition.

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