The next monetary crises are currently in the making due to loose policy, greed and no desire to get to any sort of pain.
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This is extremely insightful. And also very sad for all of us because people losing their pensions will vote for a bailout and government will end up funding the shortfall by money printing…
Eventually we will just get hyperinflation.
yep, that is the answer! But I think people still don’t understand the cost they had in the last two years with inflation at 10%… And, there is going to be more…
Thanks! I tried tu listen previous, so you made me check all my audio system😅 thanks for content 👍
Sounds good 😊
i miss the metronome 😋
Very insightful! Dank voor al de dieptegang. One of the only youtubers I trust with my opinions about my investments.
Really enjoyed your humor, keep it up!
Thank you for the video! Very relevant!
Great information sven.
Is this the reason why you bought Newmont stock?
Hi sven! Have you checked BAT stock? The 8% seems sustainable to you?
I think he has a video on it. If I remember he wanted to avoid this as he was not big fan of that businesses.
My personal view is that the company has 8% yield for a reason. Declining Business + regulatory issues. I have it in my rador as well. As of today the risk and reward doesn’t add up. Let’s see.
We need more people like you exposing financial corruption/mismanagement. Good job 👏
Sven, with the pension PV calculation, doesn’t it make sense as interest rates have gone up significantly?
I’ve just started working in a Dutch university 😅
I always enjoy the humor that you throw into the videos.
Thank you for fixing the audio!
Smooth new cut Sven! You’re back in your 20s 🕺🏻
An economy turmoil comes with equivalent chance in the fin-mrkt if you’re early informed and equipped, I’ve read folks amass up to $1M during these times, even pull it off easily in a favorable economy. For a boomer like me, I’d need guide to attain such amount for my rtmnt.
the economy can move quickly and surely to a favorable direction, but will actually take a shrewd advisor to swing your cashflow in these market opportunities at ideal times
@J. Brian Well agreed, investing is plain sailing if you have good conviction indeed. I remember early 2020 during the lockdown, got laid off and needed to stay afloat, hence I researched for advisors and immediately found someone remarkable. As of today, my reserve of $500k has yielded into a comfortable 7-figure which we intend reallocating into gold, recalling the 1929 crash.
@Arlene Hill I see no other way to maneuver steady profit and steer off losses in this current market except by advisory management, mind if I look up the person guiding you please? I’m in dire need of portfolio reallocation
@Indica I’ve shuffled through a few advisors prior 2020, but settled with Katherine Nance Dietz. She turns out to be the most efficient, and her strategy is quite transparent allowing me be in control of funds in my trading account.
@Arlene Hill interesting! just copied and pasted her full name on my browser, found her site at once, and skimmed through her credentials, very much appreciate it.
Thanks for fixing the audio and loved the content. It would be really nice if you could do a video about what products what would be ideal pension wise. As a ETF holder myself I can’t really stress off the fact that most ETFs are heavily invested in USA and will crash hard when the usd dollar collapses.
Don’t know if you mentioned in the past that people don’t question the status quote as long as things are going up, but when there is some downturn that’s when everyone starts asking questions
I am client at ABP and I am building a second pension because I don’t put trust in their merit
oof. Het Nederlandse pensioenstelsel is echt extreem slecht. Het ergste is dat ik verplicht ben er aan mee te doen
Thanks. It would be good if in addition to the research platform, you will offer the service of fund management.
I bet the state pension fund managers are freaking out that you actually took the time to read/understand and translate their gobbliegoop statement, call them out sarcastically for essentially lying to the pensioners and then broadcasting it to the world.
Wanna bet they will call some sort of emergency meeting after the calls start pouring in from rightfully pissed off retirees.
God bless my friend ; )