The FED can Play with Rates, until Modern Monetary Theory Collapses (MMT)

just cut rates but the basics are degrading and fortunately for , they can play with rates till inflation picks up. If inflation gets again, and rates can't be decreased, the experiment will be over and things will look ugly. I hope it doesn't occur.

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0:00 The FED.
0:51 Old Projections.
2:13 Current Projections.
3:57 Rate Cut.
4:55 End of .

The FED can Play with Rates, until Collapses ()

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About the Author: Richard Money


    1. @@Value-Investing “Why You Can’t Afford Anything!” – How The Economy Became One Big Ponzi Scheme | Raoul Pal
      Worth a watch!

  1. Thank you very much. I gues the problem is more political than logical. By the way the core Inflation is excluding Food and Energy. So for me it is totaly worthless.

    1. Well worthless I don’t know. They use a metric to make decisions it does not necessarily need to measure all inflation. As long as it works for decision making it is ok.

  2. Thanks for the video. I agree with this doomsday schenario. It’s perhaps one of the worst schenarios. I hope it doesn’t happen, but you never know. However, perhaps good to ask: is one investing in the US government’s fiat money or in businesses?

    1. ​@@Value-Investing then how do we invest, where do we put our money? How about offshore (legal) non dollar accounts like India or south east asia or outside US real estate and physical gold and/or Silver? This would be a good time to get out of market since this FED action has given us another mini rally in equities for now!!!

  3. Evo te konacno natrag, falile su nam tvoje analize. Sjecas se kako ti je netko ukazao na KODT prije par godina 😜, vise nego ikad bi volio taj video ovdje iako znam da nema zanimanja za te dionice ovdje te da nece biti puno pregleda, ali bi ipak mogao 😊😊😊😊

  4. Hi Sven, great video. I have a few questions:

    1) Who is the USA borrowing the money from?
    2) You show a correlation between inflation and FED policy, but others cite geopolitical factors as the reason for inflation (for example wars and protectionism, limiting access to cheap asian goods). Is that a factor or is it mostly monetary policy?
    3) FED cites dual mandate of employment and price stability as guiding it’s principle. Why are you not including the job market in your analysis?

    1. watch this! – “Why You Can’t Afford Anything!” – How The Economy Became One Big Ponzi Scheme | Raoul Pal

  5. Great video Sven but isn´t this done on purpose I mean name as long as the dollar is the world reserve currency you can´t not bypass it.

  6. Didn’t you project S&P 500 cumulative earnings for 2024 of 175$? You might check your own projections and assumptions in retrospect. For now, the exuberant Analysts that projected $260 earnings are way more accurate than you are

    1. Trailing S&P500 Eps as of 3/31 were $193…
      Meanwhile analysts have been projecting $250 since 2021…
      Earnings are still roughly where they were 3 years ago.

  7. Nice video – we live in interesting times that is for sure… system looks like it is near breaking point. Inflation will surely jump higher again with recent cuts…

  8. The Federal Reserve seems to be using many lagging indicators to determine inflation. It seems that inflation in the US is a lot lower at the moment than the reported. I think they did well to cut rates.

  9. So youtube deleted my previous comment. Wow. Anyway. Sven, how do we invest here? Real estate and gold outside USA? India? South east asia? Any safe haven’t? Thank you.

  10. Where are you my fellow investor…? I missed you soοοοο much and your opening line that i listen to it on repeat ❤

  11. What the Fed is doing has nothing to do with ‘experimenting in MMT’ , the whole point of MMT is the government doesn’t need t obrrow or issue bonds to create money in the first place and that the arbitrary interest on the debt is itself inflationary and therefore counter productive whe nthe Fed tries to tackle inflation by raising rates.

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