Stock Market Research Platform (My work, Strategy, Performance & More)

Stock Market Research Platform . is a complex thing to do however I think that if one follows simply a few essential principles, puts it the research study work, and stays away from the market's mania, wealth build-up over time at good compounding rates of returns should be attainable.

0:00 Research Platform
1:21 Unreasonable Example
3:19 Strategy
4:55 Comparative Table
8:30 Curriculum
10:56 History
11:50 Research
13:10 Portfolios
15:26 Performance
18:24 Money


What is this channel everything about? Value :.

My 5 Core Stock Exchange Investing Beliefs.

My passion is to search for low threat high benefit investment chances with a long-lasting business owning like focus. I apply my accounting skills and investing experience in order to discover the very best businesses to own that use the possibility to lead me towards my financial objectives.
If you are a sophisticated financier searching for in depth, independent stock analyses and investing ideas, here is my STOCK EXCHANGE RESEARCH STUDY PLATFORM (company research and risk benefit analysis, stocks to buy from my covered stocks list, my portfolio):.

Are you an investor that is simply starting? Sign up for the FREE Stock Exchange Investing Course – a thorough guide to investing talking about all that matters:.

You can DOWNLOAD THE TOTALLY FREE COMPARATIVE STOCKS LIST AND INTRINSIC WORTH Design Template on my Stock Market Research Study Platform:.

I am likewise a book author:.
Modern Value Investing book:.

Check my website to hear more about me, read my analyses and about OUR charity. (YouTube ad money is donated).

Listen to Modern Value Investing Podcast:.

I have to do with long-lasting investing but my wife has to do with something even more essential; long-lasting health! Naturally Ana YouTube Channel:.

I typically get asked about brokers, here is a low charge broker, a global one that enables you to purchase on international markets, and likewise offers complex solutions like choices for when your investing skills grow. In the meantime, it is one of the very best services I have actually discovered for international financiers, likewise based upon your remarks and inputs:.

Brokers video:.

A good broker for Europeans is DEGIRO, simple and it even does your taxes is some countries (Netherlands for instance):.

Always bear in mind: "Investing includes danger of loss".

#stocks #stockmarket #investing.

Stock Market Research Platform (My work, Strategy, Performance & More)

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. WARNING: As the channel grows (thank you all for that), there are more and more scammers impersonating me. The only thing I am selling is my Research Platform and Book ​​
    All that I do, the real links to my content are in the description of the video, I don’t give out my Whatsapp number and I don’t sell any Cryptocurrency related things! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

  2. $SCCO been on my watchlist for some time. Electric vehicles require over 10 times as much copper over internal combustion engine vehicles according to my research. So I feel like getting the timing and buy price right is the main challenge.still learning this game tho.

  3. Hi Sven, in the Intel DCF you multiple the second row of the DCF by the payout ratio right? ( In this case why not use the dividend right away instead of net income ?)

    1. I’m trying to figure out the best way to choose the multiple guess that just practice overtime and always being conservative is the best approach

  4. If you had to guess, what are the probability from 0 to 100% of getting a something close to 20% CAGR with your portfolio?

    1. from the current level, over the next 5 year, without me ever touching anything, not counting the cash in there. More then 50%!
      If I can add some of my own magic, take advantage of market swings here or there, then even higher.

    2. Toot perform the market that substantially is amazing. That’s Warren buffet outperformance. I was happy with 13% the past 18 years includin f the current crash. Not amazing, but not bad either.

    1. but then again, better to test it yourself, keep in mind it is your money! 28 day money back guarantee!

  5. Sven’s platform works for me. Thanks Sven for all your work.
    Možda jedan dan popijemo tu jednu kavu. 🙂

  6. Research idea:

    Eolus vind is a swedish company that build, plan and sell wind farm projects and have historically been good at creating value and growth compared to its peers. Recently they have had some operational trouble which have Lead to bad sentiment. If we apply historic margins to sales it leads to a PE slightly above 10 for a Business Growing around 15-20 %.

    1. @Hampus Jakobsson from a power and utility perspective, hence I just don’t think it’s the future of energy at all, and doesn’t show a great growth prospect in that sense. I would assume (and hope) that investments in renewables will most likely focus on solar, and the future of energy most likely stands with nuclear

    2. @Loris Biancheri I see. Personally I view it as a great addition to an energy mix because of how cheap of an energy source it is today compared to nuclear for example. But ofourse you dont want the majority of your energy coming from unreliable sources such as wind but there is probably a place for it in most power systems.

  7. Hey Sven, would you mind making a video on how you go about your research process beyond annual reports/calls/quarterlies?

    1. I actually show that with every company I analyze! For example Intel here on YT!

  8. Hi Sven
    If you look at (european) solar again have another look at Meyer Burger. It was on your list some years ago, now the business model is complety different. It went from technology industrialisation and equipment manufacturer to the most intergated solar panel manufacturer, still making machines and basic research. Great management. But it might be too risky for you as they just started selling panels last year 😉

  9. I’ve been a member of Sven’s platform a little over a year. Sven does a lot of research on good businesses and tracks them if they have potential. (low risk high reward, sometimes also higher risk high reward) It’s not a buy this buy that advice. It’s research on businesses and developing a thesis. It’s not a smooth tool or anything. It’s not for everyone but it works for me. You will make your own choices of course based on your own research and research of Sven. It’s about value investing so opportunities are few. Not a new stock each month or anything. The focus is on a few good businesses and to keep track of them to be able to buy them a good price point with a margin of safety.

  10. Goodevening Sven, first of all thank you very much for sharing your valuable experiences and helping investors increase their skill level. Since you were talking about solar stocks, you might want to check out DQ. It’s a chinese polysilicon maker that is currently benefitting a lot from higher polysilicon prices. Greetings from Belgium!

    1. Yes I’ve been asking for a review of DQ as well. But other people prefer other stocks. I hope DQ gets a chance.

  11. Sven, could you analyse Teva in one of your next videos? #1 generics in the world, leader in biosimilars. Large, consistent cash flows, healthcare doing well at the moment. Share price weighed by debt and litigation, but the latter is disappearing. No dividend as management is focused on repaying debt. Large debt load offset by 99% being fixed. Refi risk could be an issue as they will need to start refinancing soon. Looks to be trading below intrinsic value if at least 70% of cashflows can be maintained long-term.

  12. Luckily I have found Sven’s channel and shortly after I’ve purchased his research platform. Studying the platform and watching/rewatching Sven’s videos are very enjoyable and educational. Before Sven showed up, I’ve felt lost in the jungle of investing, but now I have clear goals, I see the where my journey heads and I do not own stocks anymore. I own businesses and very happy to do so. Value investing (and Sven’s platform) might not be for everyone, but I’ve finally found what I was searching before.

  13. Ok, I have been a subscriber on Sven’s platform since, probably, the beginning. Here’s my honest opinion. I have not been paid by Sven to say these things:

    Have I made money? – definitely. Very easily more than the cost. But the most money I have made is not from copying his trades but from using it as a launch to spur my own learning and understanding, making better purchases of my own.

    The platform itself is not fancy, it’s a basic teaching platform. This, I guess keeps down his costs, but until you work out his simple system, it looks complicated due to a lot of info
    It is definitely not a chat / talk trading with the bRoS platform. It’s mostly reports, in pdf format and excel. All downloadable. Sven has his own style and phrases, it will take one or two reports before you understand how he values a stock. Once you do it’s pretty simple.

    I have never been contacted by Sven offline offering me deals etc. He has never tried to sell me anything, or offered ‘extra gold’ membership or a higher level of mentorship (to my mind warning signs of a scam)

    Would I recommend it? Yes, especially if you don’t trust anyone and want to be able to download reports, go away and think about things and make your own mind up.

    In my view, lots of YouTubers are basically scammers, selling courses and pumping stocks. Sven doesn’t. You pay to see his research, see his trades. Once you understand the theory, you will see, he actually wants stock prices to go down, so he can buy more, not pump them up

    Highly recommended

  14. I’ve been a subscriber for more than 3 years already; couldn’t be happier. I kind of follow the model portfolio + some derivatives (very small plays) and I’m very happy with the performance and, the most important thing: I feel pretty confident about all business that I own.
    Keep the hard work Sven!

  15. Honestly I feel greatest takeaway from sven is “family comes first”. I think us value investing wannabes need to take a step back and ask do we really want to be like buffet?

  16. Sven your videos are awesome!! I’m really happy I found your channel. Greetings from the end of the world, Patagonia, Chile!

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