Stock Market Prediction & Investing

Stock exchange forecast is in fact so easy!

My passion is to search for low threat high benefit financial investment opportunities. I use my accounting skills and experience in order to discover interesting investment ideas that use the possibility to lead me towards my financial goals.
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Constantly bear in mind: "Investing includes threat of loss".

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. Sometimes I wonder if some of your followers even watch your videos. The points the 2 comments brought up are exactly the issues you talk about when speaking if the differences between real investors and everyone else. Keep up the good work!

  2. Sempre ben druze Sven,per ti S&p 500 sconta già là recessione o solo aumento dei tassi? Bone orade e grazie per il servizio

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you.

  3. One could argue that in general, especially in developed countries, people prefer inflation(loss of purchasing power) than high unemployment. So being prepared for a lot of future money printing does make sense. Enjoy the fishing Sven!

  4. All I know is the global economy looks awful! Still Zero Covid in China.. Still have supply chain issues. Still treats of war. US economy no better. You have the 10 year trading under the 3 month… Even the one month. Even the 30 year is under the 1 month.. Let that sink in.. I see no positive news anywhere in sight. I see lots of layoffs and bad earnings. For me.. I see no value in this market. It needs a major correction.

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

  5. I’m very disappointed in you Sven. You say that you can’t predict the future. But it has been what, 1.5 years ago that you mentioned your crystal ball broke? Isn’t it time to replace it already? Or have you already bought a new one and are experiencing supply chain issues?
    Well… then I suppose I’ll need to go again to the Douwe Egberts factory close by. Getting some ‘koffiedik’ to pursue certainty about the future.

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

  6. Everyone loves the luxury life the problems most people have about buying luxuries are having enough money to buy one , but that won’t matter if you have a stable financial life.

    1. I agree with you and I believe that the secret to fanancial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money , I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or crypto and stocks .

    2. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

  7. It says something about human nature that we’ve known for a longtime you can’t predict the market and yet people keep believing the con artists who say they can

  8. I cannot predict market and i have not too much time to invest in a dynamic way . So , I decided to invest in 10 ETF according to Ray Dalio ALL WEATHER PORTFOLIO (adapted to Euro ) . I will change ONLY the percentage in stock from 30 to 40.
    3 ETF stocks : Europe, emerging market, USA.
    3 ETF Bonds: short/medium term government , I.L. bonds + corporate bonds globally.
    1 ETC gold
    3 ETF commodities agribusiness, materials and energy.
    I need only to see or balance ( IF I need to….) my portfolio annually. Finished
    No stress

    1. @Joe G Each etf in commodities is specialised in one specific sector. Agricultural ( 100%) , precious metals ( 100%) , materials 100%. You can see the big difference from normal ETF ( I have” World quality factor” Etf for instance.. in my portfolio) viewing graphics. I believe Specialized commodities ETF behave very differently across business cycles in years. Huge difference can you observe for example during this 2022 .
      Have nice day 🙂

    2. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

  9. No idea why 2022, no one understand Benjamin Grapham’s “Mr.Market” analogy.
    But if everyone do understand, no one need financial advisor and no one make Finance youtube video 😅

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you..

  10. If the market drops 50% tomorrow I will be jumping up and down for joy. That’s what I’m saying today; I guess in reality I would probably be scared tomorrow if it really dropped that much.

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you.

  11. Hi Sven, I was wondering if you get more views by posting so many videos. I liked your previous style more with longer high-quality content. I understand this is to counter Everything Money with their infinite many videos on nothing, but I stopped watching them after a while.

    1. Thanks for watching and comment.. Message me on the platform above 👆 ☝️I have a good insight and enlightenment for you.

  12. 2:55 I also feel a little bit same way 2:12 as commenter. You said euro will collapse and also said that it may rebound. It is like going Short and Long company at the same time. Whatever the outcome will be you can said after the fact that I told you so.

  13. Nobody really know what will happen – dollar cost average into good, dividend paying companies and relax.

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