Newmont Stock Analysis And Portfolio Addition (Watch The Strategy)

I am including Newmont to the YouTube Portfolio as a big miner is agent of the all-weather exposure technique.

0:00 Newmont Gold
0:18 Rate
1:47 Newmont Service
7:56 Valuation
8:38 Portfolio Addition
10:21 Technique

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Analysis And Portfolio Addition (Watch The Strategy)

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About the Author: Richard Money


    1. Actually, there is zero reason to invest in an individual stock unless it fits into your investment philosophy/objectives and you are willing to make the effort to evaluate its fundamentals, and risks, and potential rewards. Otherwise, one should choose index funds / ETFs.

  1. WARNING: As the channel grows (thank you all for that), there are more and more scammers impersonating me. The only thing I am selling is my Research Platform and Book ​​
    All that I do, the real links to my content are in the description of the video, I don’t give out my Whatsapp number and I don’t sell any Cryptocurrency related things! BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!

    1. This is very interedting. BUT as a paid subscriber to your reasearch platform, where is the research on Japan, Buffet has been there for a year now, the prices in the conglomerstes have deteriorated and the japanese currency has and is continuing to crater making their stocks cheaper to! Come on Sven lets get a Japanese update!

  2. Good video and very interesting! By the way could you take a look at a logistics company called Old Dominion Freight Line (ODFL), it has very strong fundamentals compared to the competition, but I’m not sure if it can grow much. I would love for you to take a look at it and give your opinion, I think it can be a very interesting company! Thanks.

  3. Mayby you could emphasise what stock would you buy if you were to buy only one of these stocks. I’m from Poland and average income here is ~~900-1000 usd

    1. today we live in a global world, forget the fact you are from Poland, start thinking and you’ll soon make 10000 USD. This is the best tip I can give you, plus your English seems fine!

  4. A timely choice, I was looking at Newcrest and Barrick recently, and wondering if it was time to dig a bit deeper (of you’ll pardon the pun).

  5. The Youtube portfolio is looking interesting, maybe someday someone will make an ETF to track it 🙂

  6. They have been diluted shareholder’s sooo much the last 50 years.. almost 50% more shares🥵

    1. Derrick, for example, are at least not buying back shares and slightly increasing their quantity as well. The question is why has Sven chosen Newmont over others

    2. thanks for sharing! Newmont is just the largest, so just for educational purposes, when gold is in the dumpster, I will look for special situations!

  7. Dear Sven thinking about risk reward prespective, I found one video on your youtube channel made 4 years ago by you. Do you have any thinking to add on that subject that was not explain on that video?

  8. But this is a good , very valuable video, it discusses trading , investing strategies, which is immense value . I appreciate it.

  9. By the way silver might be even better play, it is heading down due to recession fears and is not as elevated as gold. If silver will go to 14 $ , I might put my wealth into silver

  10. Sounds like a very reasonable no-stress strategy. You don’t use technicals at all for your entries?
    For NEM specifically, the one thing that concerns me is the wide gap 41-53 with no meaningful support levels: it the stock can break below 53s, historically it tends to quickly trade towards 40.
    I would personally like to see signs of a reversal at current levels before starting a position here.

  11. Sven, I’ve been diving deep on copper lately. I’ve narrowed my picks down to a few copper companies that have very similar financials. What are your thoughts? I haven’t bought any yet, waiting for the right time.
    Diversify between a few? Or pick my favorite, my risk tolerance is high

  12. I am really bad at commodity driven companies, so videos like these are highly appreciated. They allow me to learn. Cheers Sven!

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