Malibu Boats Stock Analysis MBUU stock analysis
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Boats and swimming pools should be looked at like auto companies – once the item is purchased the buyer is out of the market for quite some time. P/BV would be my suggested metric.
I agree but boats and motorcycles are a double edged sword. When interest rates are low people buy them but when times get tough they sell them at great losses reducing the ability of the manufacturers to make profits
Keep in mind companies can make money with the aftersales and financing parts. The purchase is only a part of the equation
Thank you very much for your detailed look into how you analyze a company from the start. Very informative. Cheers and keep up the great content
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Nice boat Sven! 🙂
Old Sven is back, i miss this type of videos.
Do you like the Gotham ETF funds as an easier way to value invest? They are managed by Joel Greenblatt. Also interested in your thoughts on his magic formula book. Thanks.
Great video Sven, could you please do a video on TROW trowe price?
Gran video. Sei sempre il numero 1. Asos recentemente puó essere un esempio di “buy when is really ugly”.
I expect a cyclical business. A nice balance sheet and a crisis would be a good moment for a speculation on better times. At them moment, it does not seem like a buy with a margin of safety.
Hi Sven, why do you say the improving margins are just a product of the market cycle, and not the company becoming more efficient? Thanks for the video!
$PII – Polaris would be an interesting comparison to these boat stocks
Sven, vogliamo più stock analysis
100% – great company – very cyclical – buy low sell high – have patience
I’ve asked for you to analyse this company, when you did all the smallcaps. Great to get your view on the company now! Thanx. What i’m also a little worried about is the growing trough acquisitions. Maybe hard to keep that up in the future. Especially during tough times indeed.
even though the company seems cyclical it has been growing since 1982 (when it was founded), there is no end in sight for their growth as boat sales have been on the rise since the 2008 financial crisis. their balance sheet is extremely good and pe is very low even though it is at somewhat of the top of a growth cycle. looks like investors in this company can outperform the market for the next few years.
great content. thank you.
Great video Sven! Cyclicals always seem cheap when the good times are about to end
And funny to see my previous comment in your video
Same issues with HZO, WGO, THR, etc…
Wow! I just was looking into Malibu boats how coincidental!
Thank you for this review. I have it on radar since last year.