As every quarter, I enjoy to talk about the remarkable JPM Guide To Markets for 2H 2022
0:00 Quarterly Guide To Markets
0:43 Current Market
7:12 Rebound?
10:16 Financial Scenario
15:09 FED
23:28 Investing Ahead
10 Dividend Stocks
YouTube Portfolio
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Appreciate the content 🙏🏻
Gas prom gets censored on YouTube?
Great freedom of speech ✊
Thank you Sven for what you do for the youtube community 👍 I’ve been following you for quite awhile and it’s always refreshing and solid perspective, thank you for enriching my mind on a regular basis (^_^)
I appreciate that!
This was an absolute data drop. Thanks for putting it all together for us, Sven!
My pleasure!
Technically JP Morgan analysts did most of the hard work
@Chris F Which I never would have come across, but not for Sven.
Always enjoy these overview of the world economy from you Sven. Much appreciated.
Great breakdown in charts Sven. It helps many understand when index ETFs are overvalued or not as many of us use these in conjunction with value stock picks.
Will see what happens after the (Inflation report) this Wednesday at 8:30 am . This is gonna be good. 😊
we will see!
Hi Sven!
Maybe you would like to take a look at the Lithuanian company “Grigeo AB” (GRG1L). It is the only stock that seems interesting to me on the Baltic stock exchange (nasdaqbaltic). It mainly produces toilet paper and cardboard but is expanding in other industries as well.
Pros of the company:
1. It mainly produces toilet paper and cardboard which is a very boring business.
2. Paper products are high volume, low value which means that costs of transporting them are high. This creates a moat for Grigeo in its domestic market because competitors form other regions will have to suffer additional transportation costs if they want to compete, thus making the products of the competitors more expensive.
3. The company has a 105M market cap and in 2021 it made 9M in free cash flow which means it trades for around 11.6 times free cash flow. Free cash flows remain strong throughout the years.
4. It pays a 6% dividend yield, but the dividend depends on the company’s profits for that year.
5. Even though they are in the paper products business they have a healthy 7.5% net margin and their revenue is growing. In recent years they are expanding in other industries because there is only so much growth in paper products.
Cons of the company:
1. 46.28% of the company is owned by the founder of Grigeo. Too high of a control by one person for my liking.
2. They did a weird stock split in 2021 where they doubled the amount of shares but instead of releasing the shares to the market the company bought back the extra shares. Maybe not a con but I don’t understand that move.
thanks for sharing, especially the details!!!
Thankyou Sven for all the useful stuff you’ve been posting lately.
I have a question, not strictly to do with this particular video, but I’m hoping someone here will be able to enlighten me.
I’ve found a small, public company which looks interesting. Fast growing and all the numbers look good. However, i’m a bit of a beginner at this, and I’ve discovered one thing I don’t understand.
75% of the shares are owned by a private company, which in turn is owned by the founders. So that seems to mean they could do whatever they want – stop paying the dividend, or sell the remaining 25% shares to themselves at cut price. Is this a big red flag? Or is it common amongst smaller companies? I’ve looked on all the investing sites I can think of and can’t find any mention of this.
depends on the owners!
Does anyone know if home values dropped when rates were pushed up that in the 70s? I remember my parents building their home for $12K home at 12% interest rate.
hard to find good data, but inflation keeps things stable in nominal terms
Thanks! Great episode. I really like these reviews you make from JPM reports. I’m still in the negative but getting better. 17% per year for the next 20 years would be great for me. 😉
Also if the reports come true about China starting a stimulus programme with bonds, we would love to hear your thoughts and commentary! Thank you again for what you do, and for being on fire with daily quality videos!
Great surgical dissection of that report. Downloaded it and bookmarked page. It would have taken me weeks to figure out what you did in less than 30 mins with certainty. That s why you da boss, hehe! You are a power house, keep it up and take care of yourself!
Glad it was helpful!
The most scary scenario for every investor should be the lack of change. Market that climbs “a wall of worry” is a healthy situation.
Needed a breather from finance YouTuber drama. Thank you Sven for providing GREAT content without getting sucked into BS! Ought to visit your channel more often
Sven, you rock with macro picture videos…loving these videos even more. Thank you as always.
Glad you like them!
Fantastic content Sven, how one person can generate this much value is crazy! I’m quite heavily invested into China, ofc China have their own buckets of problems with political risk etc. But if one accepts those risks then to me it looks like they are mostly out of the fire and they are not out of ammunition when it comes to stimulus. Also, to curb inflation in the west countries might need to open up by having to remove some import restrictions to lower the prices. Anyway who knows but that is my 2 cents, we’ll see how it unfolds.
we will see!!!
I like how Sven kept showing the “chart that no one shows” as that is the risk of holding ETFs. Risk reward 🙂
Hey Sven ! If you are looking for more ideas in european stocks, here are a few with a fist glance reason to dig deeper : TORTILLA MEXICAN GRILL PLC (a British Chipotle, but tastier and cheaper, boasting 40% ROI, so each new place is paid for within 3 years, like Starbucks), BREDERODE (a family-run holding that crashed because it mostly owns private equity stakes), VGP (a real-estate developer that leases modern warehouses), EVOLUTION GAMING (a gambling games provider that has monopolistic characeristics and great metrics), STMICRO (seems to be a quality, growthy semi-conductor company trading at a quite low price). I focus on the US but in Europe those are the ones that caught my attention !
thanks for sharing!
Hey sven, in germany some economists talk a lot about the ecb having not much influence on the current Inflation. They say Inflation is high due to supply shocks. Tightening might still soften demand so should work a little bit but not too much.
Any thoughts ?
maybe, but one thing is sure, currency is devalued and whether it is 8% or 2% in the next year, it is actually irrelevant, the trend is clear!
I think this is very scary haha. I would like it more if the ecb had more influence on Inflation.
Thanks for your comment 🙂 you are right. It does not matter. Inflation is Inflation