I have actually had a look at all of the copper mining stocks and my conclusion is that the supply gap will not establish that fast.
Copper Investing Strategy Video –
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Always great info! I’m starting to realize a large portion of retail investors really just want to be told what to invest in and not the process of learning how to invest. The learning is actually the fun part in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
Wonderful comment!
I literally just commented the same kind of thing they all want to be baby fed stock picks.
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
Sven, thanks for the info. You may not have a big crowd watching this video but some of us are more aligned with your thinking and appreciate your research and insights. Thank you and keep it up for the few of us!
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
Great video! Was wondering if already worth a look now due to potential supply shortage or rather until we hit recession lows. Thanks!
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
Sven, what would change in a stock market index (e.g. S&P 500) if it was designed to be an optimal portfolio with respect to return and risk considering indexing is a popular strategy using ETF minimising tracking error on a non optimal portfolio? Thanks.
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍..
I love your copper videos specially on lower prices, please continue with us 😢
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I look for two more things: dividends (pay as you wait) and energy hedge (hard to make money on your commodity when you pay so much for another?)
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Thank you, Sven! This is another great and super valuable video. Those videos (with the worst views score) are one of my favourite ones 😉
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍..
Great one Sven! it’s hard to say NO to things we really like. I wouldn’t have expected anything else from you.
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍..
Wow, Sven, such a valuable insight based on your reading of those companies reports and your experience in the sector. This video is your best one of late ! I can’t believe you don’t get views with this. It’s such a proftable sector with the right timing…
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍..
Sven, I care a lot about these types of videos, I gain a lot of value and knowledge from your perspective on copper. Even if other people don’t appreciate it, I do!
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
Thank you for putting this research out despite low viewership, in my opinion your mining videos are the best given your experience on the topic.
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
I follow your channel for this type of videos! Please keep up with them, these are quality gems!
Hi Thanks for watching and for always supporting this channel. Let’s talk now for more profitable insights.,,,,,,
Sven, my investment journey only started about 1 and a half year ago. I can’t say I’m smart enough to understand commodities but I’m certainly intrigued after seeing your presentations now and in the past like 3 years ago. I will try to learn and thank you for helping me with my learning.
Thanks for watching me inbox me right away 👍.
I’ve been interested in miners since the early days of watching your videos, Sven. It’s probably something to do with being Australian. Thanks for putting out the occasional ‘unpopular’ video, I wonder if your views can be used to gauge market sentiment in the various sectors. 🙂
That’s crazy. I learned so much about your copper videos, and I always love watching them.
Sven, you might not be getting rich from youtube (because you don’t do the hype) but, your genuinely helping people learn to invest properly. Thank you.
The best advance on commodities I heard from you – to buy miners when the P/E is high. Very counterintuitive yet makes a lot of sense.
Great! Next theme: Aluminium;-) I entered the stock marked early 2021 and watched a lot of your videos, including about aluminium and aluminium producers. Based on this + own research I took a position in Norsk Hydro in february 2021. Your thesis about alu basically being a way to investment in rising global middle class, resonated well with me. Im now up 47 % + collecting a nice dividend. Could be cool with an updated outlook for aluminium given global security crisis and energy volatility.
Considering the rising number of electric cars in the next years, do you really think copper prices will go down that much? I know that the mining companies can increase their output but in my opinion we are going to see a new era considering the digitalization after Corona and electric vehicle demand. Would appreciate your thoughts on this. Have a nice day!