How To Invest For Long-Term Wealth Accumulation

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For Long-Term Wealth Accumulation

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. Hi Sven, how did you calculated ACOMO price 40 (7% YoY return in your ACOMO example). Does this comes from intrinsic value calculation?

    1. @cid meier where I live dividend doesn’t get taxed. For foreign dividends we get taxed but get everything back as a tax return the following year

  2. I bought META last year when it went below $100 and sold it at $207 this Tuesday after watching Sven’s last video. I made over 100% returns in 6 months but still feel like an idiot. Thanks to Sven’s influence.

    1. @Nims its a bit tongue in cheek amyway. I made the initial META investment at $94 based on anorher one of Sven’s videos only.

    2. @Ean Nane I was looking to sell entire position anyway as META is now very richly valued. But probably would have waited another couple of days had I not seen Sven’s last video. That 15% gap up I missed still leaves a bit of an itch.

  3. The first part if the video seems to be saying that if you buy the market at these prices you are speculating. I would think a 25 year old with a 40 year horizon is better off ignoring the market price and just investing into the market at any price. Buying a total stock market index fund. And just not looking at the value ever until the money is needed. I do a combination of that and investing in quality companies I think have a good business and value. My own selections have never done as well as the index investing.

    Quite often I watch one of your videos and I can’t help thinking the point sailed over my head completely. I guess you would probably feel the same if I lectured about process control.

    1. provided he has enough mental strength to sit on losses for next 5-10 years shall the tide turn. All looks good on paper but then most investor always make loss or very little returns

    2. @Lokesh Reddy I agree it isn’t easy. I had losses from 1999 to 2012 or so, but I never sold out and kept investing and ended up quite well off. I couldn’t do it again at my current age.

  4. I see a bit of a contradiction when it comes to value investing. Some people (like Seth Klarman in his Margin of Safety book) say that you should buy “undervalued” stocks and sell them when they reach their fair value. Others (like this video) say that you should just hold on to businesses “forever”. So are there two types of value investing? Or does the second strategy mainly fit dividend stocks?

    1. Klarman is a fund manager. A fund depends on investment flows and is subjected to redemption requests. A fund is therefore severely limited in its holding period, but it is (at least from the fund manager’s perspective) tax-advantaged since funds are pass-through entities. A fund manager however is able to higher a bunch of number-crunchers who can sort through many securities to identify mispricings. Short-term tactics are therefore better-suited.

      Sven, you, and I are individual investors. We do not depend on external flows. Unless you’re leveraged, you have theoretically unlimited holding period. However, you don’t have a team of number-crunchers managing your portfolio. Long-term strategies are therefore better-suited.

  5. If I have to choose between Amsterdam Commodities and STM (STmicrotechnologies), I definitely choose STM. It has enough orders to sustain next years of the recession without cutting its margin or revenue. And for the new cycle they are building 2 new factories. Current Forward PER is 8.

  6. Fairly valued for 60M in operating earnings after taxes. Pretty risky if commodities go down… Not a Bargain at all imho

  7. What are your thoughts about ZIM, Sven? You should check it if you didn’t do it yet. It’s PE ratio 0,5 and after the next recession is very likely to keep the actual earnings.

  8. as the video finishes and Sven is telling me not to check stock prices… I immediately open yahoo finance app and check 🙂 it is hard!

  9. So imagine you are 23 years old. You would rather buy individual Business than an ETF on the SP500 for example?

  10. Should i reinvest dividends when they are received or build up those cash and invest it when you find a better opportunity?

  11. As the great Peter Lynch once said “If you spend 13 minutes a year on economics, you’ve wasted 10 minutes.”

  12. I can see the future Sven, the SP500 will go up! My crystal ball only sees 50 years into the future though 😀

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