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Great perspective
Great video! Was expecting this topic. Some of my friends know that I’m interested into investing and they start to ask me – ok where to invest? Where could I put my 1k€ to maximize it. As you mentioned the best investment is in yourself. The other very important is to understand the tax system in your country. Let’s say in Latvia you can invest in the 3rd level pension scheme and receive 20% form invested money every year. I chose the investing into index funds. I believe it’s a great option, you get the market average + 20% from yearly investment. Yes you can get this money only when you are 55, but you can take it as a benefit, since you’ll not stop compounding.
To sum up, start with the understanding of the tax system in your country. Maybe you are losing/not getting your money already.
Ed pension systems in other baltic countries are similar, I also participate in it (because its mandatory), however, I am not a fan of it mainly because I don’t have access to all that savings i accumulate and I can only get it when I retire. However, I see it as a sort of diversification of investment and spend exactly 0 hrs thinking about pension fund.
thanks for sharing!
Am addicted to YouTube.
Thanks but i save and invest so i can have more free time, i dont wanna live for studying and working… I am sure someone else will find this more useful than me 😂❤
great point! Life is about living after all!
Funny to see wich videos get the most views, I always preferred the deep research for niche stocks
great to know!
Your videos are too good. Once again you made me realize on what I should focus on. I knew this video was about “investing in yourself” but I also knew that you will add very important details to that.
In the last 2-3 years I prioritized saving money and investing as much as I could in stocks. I’ve learned that investing is not as easy as putting numbers in an excel sheet. I lost money and I learned lessons. I’ve learned about RISK and how important that is in an investment. For me now, the only risk – free investment that I can make is the investment in myself.
I will still watch your videos, but see you on the platform in 2 years, I guess. Thank you!
see you in 2 years:-) If the price of the platform goes up, just send me an email :-)))
@Value Investing with Sven Carlin, Ph.D. Wow, thank you!
Hi Sven, very good video and insights.
However, can a person really know when he has maxed his income potential? Let’s take example of someone who increase his income at CAGR of 13% for last 6 years.
is this maximum? I doubt anyone can say – I think important is moment when you can take part of income and send that excess money to work for you. Then one continue investing in oneself to keep >10% annual income growth rate AND add on top investing with maybe extra 6-8%.
Would you assume that once income growth starts to drop, maximum is achieved?
I think it is also when you don’t want to sacrifice your life for more, when you have enough….
I know maybe the videos you feel are the best doesn’t get you the views you want but don’t stop putting those out, some of us really love them and can use those insights ! Thanks Sven
will not stop, no worries!
Amazing content. Really down to earth advices – and realistic, most importantly. I’m also from East Europe and I salute your educational endeavors as it helps me to cut tremendously the fog (news, hype, etc.) when learning about value investing. Keep up the good work!
I appreciate that!
Great advice, investing in yourself, your education on whatever topic you want to be knowledgeable about will always yield the most dividends.
Hi Sven, I was wondering what is your PHD in like I’m sure it’s something to do with investing/Finance and as I want to get into this world long term I’d like to also do one so I was wondering what you did and what you would recommend a young guy to study? Thanks
here is a summary of when my English was much worse than now:
I recently saw the video about REIT analysis and the informative videos are definitely more “dense” and their content harder to process but there is a legitimately large proportion of us who wants that kind of breakdown, analysis and rationale
Hi Sven!
Can you make a specific video about what you call the “terminal multiple”. I always get confused when valuing stocks what multiple to use. When you value stocks I understand your reasoning for the growth rate and the discount rate but not the terminal multiple that you use. Any further explanation whould be much appreciated!
I’m a new investor so excuse this obvious question for some of you.
He’s made a video already called “How To Estimate Terminal Valuation & Calculate Investment Returns (6 Examples Of Intrinsic Value)”
here you go, that was fast:
Well, for me videos like this are noise. You create real content with analysis videos of different companies but I understand those take more effort. Wish there were more of those and less of these though
for analyisis, you have my research platform, keep in mind this is YT and my purpose here is to educate those who want to learn about investing!
Always admire your honesty and personal sacrifice to give solid advice, rather than what will earn you more clicks/views. Legend!
I appreciate that!
Pure Wisdom!
Hi Sven, can you make a Video of your current Portfolio and your planned next moves and ypur thoughts behind it? I believe this would have the highest values for your viewers. The Youtube Portfolio is fine but imo provides less value as it is Not your own money behind. Would be great if you consider this Suggestion. Thanks!
I doubt that he will do that. People pay for his platform to see what value investment opportunities are there and see how it fits them. You would get part of that information for free. That’s not fair to the people who are paying for the platform.
unfortunately YT is for education – the real deal is on my research platform
I love your macro videos, they are fascinating sometimes