Ferrari stock analysis – RACE stock analysis
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Good to see some non f1 youtuber know about it
All they need to fix is their f1 team and maybe i will invest. Im so sad for Leclerc it hurts!
@54M views am a leclearc fan too
It doesn’t matter how good or bad the year goes ….every team passes, but Ferrari will be always there and most admired one 🇮🇹
@Daniele Gianetti would you bet your money on it? if so then buy the stock.
I am agree that a PER of 50 is quite expensive, but we are talking about luxury sector, and PER ratios tend to move between 20 and 35. I only see possible a PER of 15 if fundamentals deteriorate big times or a huge recession come destroying markets.
Take a look at Beneteau stock, it is luxury but cyclical. Of course with lower PER
Stellantis is a great buy at these levels
Even considering the inflation and cyclical behavior of the Stellantis?
@Max yes
@T Did you carefully perform a stress test? What would be the stock price for the scenario of 30% revenue decrease? Please note that stellantis has very low margin. By the way, I had great time with stellantis last month, and fixed 10% gain. Maybe I sold to you?:)
*i heard if you want to buy Ferrari stock, Ferrari has to let you buy it first and there is a wait time to get your rare stock and the “options” are super expensive* 😅🤣😂
I’m very interested in Stellantis Sven! Looking forward for you opinion on that! Furthermore i’d like to suggest a “Stranger Things” situation in VW Stock. At the moment VW has a 70B$ Market Cap, but Owns 75% of Porsche AG, which is Valued 107B$. It doesn’t make sense to me! 🤷🏻♂
Interesting. There is 200 billion interest debt on VW balance sheet, so market may think VW valuation excluding Porsche is negative. Although, sometimes market is just dumb. Stock market being efficient is the biggest lie taught.
Davide please … non scherziamo, really you wanna put money and trust to Agnelli family? O magari sei Juventino 😜 I would think two, three , four times before picking up Stellantis
I wonder about the negative retained earnings… Since it’s a liability item, there should be no tax benefit there. so it just looks odd, but there’s no actual economic relevance around it? It’s pure historical information, then?
Thanks Sven – I appreciate that – Food for thought is that Ferrari is about 7% of Guy Spiers portfolio but I think he got it as when RACE was spun out of Fiat. He has continued to hold it thou which is interesting. Thanks again.
Sempre ben druze Sven, sto’ano in F1 la supera anche una zastava… grazie per il servizio
Ferrari, Hermes and NVIDIA, everything valued as if these companies will keep growing forever over the next 100 years. If they do, then shareholders will do ok but if the growth stops or slows down to low single digits, let’s say in 2030 or 2040, then these companies are extremely overvalued.
I would love to own Ferrari but not at that price…
he thinks something is overvalued? wow shocking
haha good video. great car, good company, poor investment. clear. thx.
I bought the stock at 180$ and sold prematurely at 230$. Should have held it for longer.
Love this kind of vidoes Sven! Good job. On stock analysis topic, If possible, it will be very interesting to hear your opinion on the most important lines in a balance sheet.
Sorry for the off-topic but… Alibaba was one of your favorite stock last year, can we have an update about it?
thanks for the suggestion, maybe JD soon
“Quasi” rich mi fai morire 😂😂
You should look at Porsche… 5% rough earnings yield currently….
thanks for suggesting, will come!
Nice, short and to the point. Really enjoying these shorter stock analysis videos!
as much time as it takes to explain!!
Great analysis definitely a stock to own when the price crashes strong margins good brand.