Core Value Investing + Catalysts & Spinoffs | Margin Of Safety 10,11,12

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0:00 MOS Chapters 10,11,12.
1:10 Core Worth Investing.
2:42 Drivers.
4:48 Liquidations.
6:13 Intricate Securities.
7:25 Rights.
8:36 Danger Arbitrage.
10:46 Spinoffs.
14:02 Thrifts.
14:30 Insolvencies.
15:43 For United States Retailers.

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Core Value Investing + Catalysts & Spinoffs | Margin Of Safety 10,11,12

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About the Author: Richard Money


    1. Ciao Marco, I don’t see any catalysis in China as long as the zero COVID policy is in place. Personal opinion, we can accumulate more for few months/ years (how knows) and wait for the unlock of China. Remember, we can have few years where the company might have a flat retur/growth. Perhaps, this is my expectation. Which is your opinion?

    2. Dividend stock 4.5%: FME. -down 65% compared similar companies which are 30 to 50% down -risk: revenue down for more that 1y as decleared in the conference. -catalysis: healt care system / hospital start to have the same number of patients that need FME products. (An example of low risk and high reward?)

    3. @Value Investing with Sven Carlin, Ph.D. Young people in China have curbed their addiction to video games, a report says.

      The claim is made by the China Game Industry Group Committee, affiliated to the gaming regulator.

      And it may raise hopes officials – who once attacked video games as “spiritual opium” – may soften the country’s severe gaming restrictions.

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  1. *Making money is an action. Keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge and crypto trading is the key 😁..!!!*

  2. The perfect stock. Deep value, makes oodles of money, pays a dividend, hated by all and there is a catalyst to launch it..

    Tobacco? Pipelines? Nuke plants? Private prisons? Miners? You already missed the boat on coal.

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  3. Hi Sven. I love these book review sessions. I learn a lot from these session. They may not get a lot of views but they are watched by those who actually cares. “Quality over quantity”.

  4. Real meta moment when you talked about markets having a myopic vision, quickly followed by the blurry image of you speaking :’)

  5. Have you read “you can be stock market genius” by Joel Greenblant? This book had a profound impact to me, I was amazing to me how we can find inefficiencies on spin off and take advantage as retail investors. It’s one of my top 2 books on investing.

    1. What a coincidence to see who trade with *EMILY JOANN BLACKWELL* Working under her management setup has elevated my trading status to a pro level in less than a month. I just withdrew my profit two days before now. I am glad i did invest with her company. I still reinvested and the trade is ongoing.

    2. If anyone can answer this question for you you must run because they’re lying to you. No one has a crystal ball.

    3. just ran the calculation, you would only need a 6% annual return to have approximately $1 million in 30 years.

      S&P 500 average of 9% gets you close to $2 million in 30 years.

  6. Thank you or this content. I think it is a fitting idea to analyse the possible stock opprtunities that will race uppward as soon as FED-thing is a bit possitive or even perior to that. Is there any indication in what sector the growth stock will be or that is happening by chance after every market crash .

  7. I think everyone should own some of BRK-B But you need to buy at the right price you will not go wrong in the long run.

  8. dca might be a better choice with shorting TSLA. definitely not as dramatic as shorting all at once!! long term winner regardless

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