Copper prices have crashed from abundant levels due to recession expectations but what about the copper supercycle and very high copper rates? Here is my introduction of how to purchase copper and the copper sector.
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I just come from running and a new episode of my favorite YouTube channel! Thanks! Will watch now!
Good day Sven, happy to see you talking about commodities. Do you think we could get your thoughts on uranium. Really exciting things happening in that market and there is potential for some explosive returns given the small size of the market.
I agree… the supply/demand setup for uranium is super bullish.
Uranium miners make up about 70% of my current side portfolio…
@CJMartial about 20% of mine. Good luck bros
Are you counting on more new Nuclear energy ?
Also – as the market for physical U dries up, centrifuges can no longer underfeed the equipment during enrichment… they now need to overfeed the machines to get enriched product out the door quicker to customers. So now that part of the fuel cycle goes from supplying the market an extra 20M units per year, it now CONSUMES and extra 30M units per year…. which just makes the need for new uranium from the miners even greater
Hi Sven. I want to know if real estate companies are also cyclical? I have 3 stocks in companies that own (Castellum is a big dividend company) and rent/sell and they all look like they have bottomed. Is it time to buy?
The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse is near.
Collapse is generous
1st time in our history with a full generation that wasn’t taught financial literacy, civics, Google fixes their problems if their parents don’t do it for them.
Reckoning for participation trophies is incoming
@Joe McMullin That’s incredible. How can i reach this Advisor? I need to take advantage of this bearish market.
Look him up on the web, he has an official webpage.
@Joe McMullin its funny all advisor’s have three names… why.. if you google two names you get thousands of hits…. if you google three names you find the scammers generic website.
Dear Sven, Do you think average retail investors can profit long term by copying recent Buy/Sell activities of value investors such as Jeremy Grantham Seth Klarman or Ray Dalio?
As you know they all have very high annualized rate of returns that beat the market.
Thanks. 🙏
Haizzzz looks like commodity sector is my curse I just don’t get it. Anyway thank you for sharing your knowledge
‘If you talk about tesla you’ll have a million followers if you talk about China you’ll get zero.’ 😆 I think china was going to still do infrastructure in the near term as a way to compensate for pandemic slowdown.
6:05 not sure if you later on the video you mentioned it, but what a about Chile and how the new government / possibly new constitution could affect the sector?
Hello Sven, Miguel de argentina.
You are one of the few ( very few) how does the math in ciclicals.
My ad min
forget copper and buy a compounder which offers 15% IRR+ … will safe you a lot of headache ^^
Please take a look at Boliden (swedish miner with exposure to coppar)
I wait for SCCO at 37$ and starting averaging down. Great opportunities coming
Awesome! Thank you!
thank you!
Always a like before watching!
You’re the best!
Sven, now that you’ve talked about Copper, please consider make a similar one for Steel!
thanks for suggesting!
Thank you very much for this kind of “boring” content! Please don’t change it
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Thanks for sharing Sven 🙂
As always great content. Would be interested in seeing a video on Iron ore mining too.
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Sven – great video, and would much appreciate and feel would be really very interesting for your subscribers, if you could please also make a video/share your view on Uranium/Nuclear industry please? Very similar story to Copper as you may know, with strong fundamentals. Can you please share your view, would be great.
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Sven – Video suggestion: How to look at the LME web page. What information should I be looking at?
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MUX is at a low that goes back to 2005. I see value buyers loading up here as the growth group has exited. I exited at $1.6 and just recently bought the largest quantity of shares I have ever owned in a single stock (of course that’s not hard to say at this price).
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Its natural to see so many investors panic amid a worsening bearish market but it is also important to note that the market situation is nothing new in the crypto world.Several factors are driving negative sentiment in the stock and crypto markets right now including inflation, a shaky stock market, rising interest rates, and recession fears. As a result, bitcoin has dropped significantly from its all-time high, breaking below several key technical levels. As a crypto investor, the current situation might seem bleak. However, there are several tried and tested, expert-suggested investment strategies that can help you weather the current crypto storm. In 2 weeks of shorting and trading with signals directly from Shirley Bagshaw, I have been able to accumulate 11 btc despite the state of the market.
A lot has changed and that’s on everything but the truth is that i don’t even care much about bullish or bearish market because Bagshaw Strategy got me covered, I am comfortably earning monthly.
It doesn’t matter if you are a current hodler or a newbie, you can capitalize on the fluctuation of bitcoin by trading with good strategy/signals.