Cathie Wood Lost Her Touch? (VC Investing Not For Retail)

Did lose her touch? No, she simply lost her money to experiment with.

0:39 No Basics
2:19 VC

ARK 2021 Video –
ARK REsearch Video –

My 5 Core Stock Market Beliefs

My passion is to look for low risk high reward financial investment opportunities with a long-lasting organization owning like focus. I use my accounting skills and investing experience in order to find the very best companies to own that provide the possibility to lead me towards my financial goals.
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Constantly remember: "Investing includes threat of loss".

Cathie Wood Lost Her Touch? (VC Investing Not For Retail)

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. Actually if you look at the fund flow YTD they’re positive! 2H 2021 was net outflow, but YTD the declines are probably from 1) the valuation reset triggered by the FED and 2) people jumping on the downward band wagon just as they jumped on the upward band wagon shorting these stocks (eg SARK).

    1. The declines are mostly from 1) the valuation reset triggered by these companies getting too far away from their fundamental values, based on how much money they actually make. The FED was artificially propping up the market by buying large amounts of treasuries and keeping interest rates near zero. Now that they are starting to remove this artificial support, overinflated stocks are starting to revert back to more realistic values based on how much money these businesses are actually earning.

      Also, he’s not talking about fund flows into the ARK fund. He’s talking about fund flows into the stocks of the businesses owned by ARK. And if fund flows into these stocks were positive, then they would be rising in price rather than falling.

  2. Seriously one of the most entertaining vids I have seen in youtube finance. Thank you Sven!

  3. Sven, trust me when I say this, I am so glad that you were one of the first YouTube channels I found when I started investing in this bubble… I could have lost myself watching rubbish like Jeremy, Meet Kevin, Stock Moe… but really, I am so happy that your videos appeared at my feed and your style clicked with me immediately.

    I see friends losing A LOT of money now while I am sleeping well at night with my HPQ, BRK, INTC, TROW and etc.

    Thank you!

    1. I remember when Jeremy was pumping Beyond Meat and TTCF. Sven made good valuation videos that shows neither has upside in 5 years. And look at where we are. Both have ranked over 70%. The only thing they could do is dilute their shareholders and hope for some top line growth, although beyond meat can’t even do that lately!

    2. Aside from his pumping of stocks, Jeremy used to make pretty good actual financial education videos. Sadly he’s a shadow of his former self imo.

    3. @Bill the Butcher same with Andrei. His first videos were really nice until he became all about crypto. What I like about Sven and Everything Money is the consistency.

      I thibknthat what happened to Jeremey and Andrei is that they made some money with some lucky trades and then thought that they were geniuses… that reaction video that Jeremy has of Everything Money saying that TTCF ia worth 5.11 just shows empty and baseless self confidence.

    4. @Hawar Emin I actually watched a number of Jeremy’s videos back in 2020. They weren’t bad. Some decent financial analysis (I have an MBA from a decently-ranked school for what it’s worth), he had some decent picks, like Nordstorms (JWN) that I turned into a decent gain. But yeah a big miss on some of those, though we all have those.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up for me personally. It didn’t occur to me that the VC crowd got such significant returns on their money for the level of risk involved. Truly the retail investor is on the wrong side of a VC model.

  5. Thank you for this interesting video. It cheered me up. Cathie Wood’s portfolio made me feel better about my own portfolio. Mine is down a lot, but nowhere near as much as ARK Invest!

  6. What I do really like about her is vision. I read some of their material and the vision and narrative is great. Some companies in their pool will be the next winners. However, risk and reward is pretty high especially during a period where everyone is looking at fundamentals closely

    1. If risks are high hen everyone is looking at fundamentals, doesn’t that just mean risk is high except unless you’re trading in and out of a position on sentiment?

  7. Thanks Sven for the video. The rise and fall of ARKK in such a short time span reminds me of the phrase “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is”. Never touched it and never will :).

  8. My portfolio is down by 10 a 15% since its peak. But watching how ARK, shitcoins or NFT’s crashed I’m glad I bought companies that have actual cashflows at a reasonable price. Most even pay dividends 😆

  9. Quacky Wood never had it. She got lucky on a bunch of speculative stocks. Now the market has turned and those companies mostly aren’t even profitable.

  10. Sven, with so many “growth stocks” down so much, do you think there is any gold that is dumped along with the dirt?

  11. Recall fund called Janus long ago. It’s good to have a few speculative plays but a fund based on “disruption” doesn’t make sense when you have to adjust portfolio quarterly, but everything is a high-risk long-term hold.

  12. If you have 10000 $ to invest ,you need to pay around 6% of potential earnings to have access to your research platform,verry expensive for most people and not profitable if consider for inflation as well.Thank you for the free stuff on youtube.

  13. Good to see that lately you’ve been more active again Sven. Been missing your calm n solid expertise :).
    About miss Wood , that’s the difference between her and Buffet & Munger – while she invested into companies with 90% hype and 10% value (product), they’ve put their lifetime investing into companies with 100% value and 0-10% hype (ok, Apple might be an exception for some ppl).
    It was pretty much the same with the crypto money (100% hype, 0% value imo) – we’ve all seen how it ended in the last few days…

  14. “high school level research” 😂… another thing that bugs me, I went to their youtube channel, most recent videos, and people on the comments are thanking her for her guideness…. when you thank people for making you lose 80% of your money… insane world

    1. I think most comments are bots. No way people are excited about ark. They do a lot of social media marketing to pump their fund.

  15. Great Video, Sven. I liked how you focussed on making your point about ARK and finished it with a slam dunk.

  16. Same thing happpened to Niel Woodfords fund a few years back. While things unwind there are bargains available. But as you say,the lack of fundamentals makes it near impossible to value these things.

  17. Sven, you’re awesome man. A solid lighthouse in the mercurial seas of the stock market. Thanks for sticking to the right principles and reminding all of us

    1. Thanks
      I’ve something more profitable to offer you in crypto & stock

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