Buffett is an advocate of buy and hold for the long term, however when you take a look at what he does, you rapidly recognize that he may hold to just 1 stock that he purchases per decade. In the mean-time, he buy, test and offer all that don't fulfill his criteria.
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A great, myth busting and insightful short video ❤
Didn’t he also sell Verizon?
yes, a while ago
Always appreciate buffets success and never forget his lessons
But times have changed ,his stocks aren’t the stocks small investors need they are for big whales like Berkshire which is too big now .
The sp500 doesn’t lag that far behind now over a decade
And the nazdaq is returning twice as much these days
thanks for sharing!
That depends on how good of an investor you are. If you are good then you can make way better returns like Sven himself, but if you’re a bad one then you can also make way worse returns.. Investing in the Snp500 or Berkshire will always give you a return in the long run.
Short and impactful as usual, thanks Sven 👍
Glad you liked it!
Both Buffet and Michael Burry sold everything (or almost everything)!! Coincidence? We shall see.
Watch the video
not everything
Sempre ben druze Sven , grazie per il servizio
Thanks again Dr. Carlin
Thank you!
If you love your stocks. Keep in mind that they don’t love you back!
Very true!
This is why you sell your own most of the stock ??? 🤣🤣🤣 another PH specialist. Why you not comments what you done with your portfolio 🤔
will come soon 🙂
Hey Sven, is this part of his process maybe? Like sticking to the sure winners, and maybe he is backing out of positions he could of have acquired at a better value? I don’t know, myself, but as someone whose aspiring to build a value portfolio, it sure raises questions of the process
you got to own something to know it really well, so he might be just testing and then he decides…
He will start getting rid of the energy stocks when their profits start declining 🤣🤣
Very nice material!
Thanks a lot!
It would be great if Sven could share how many “hold forever” long term compounders he has discovered and currently holds in his portfolio (hopefully at least one?). Mohnish Pabrai on many instances has stated that an investment strategy of finding and holding compounders for longer periods is much more effective and efficient than constant buying and selling. He believes it’s an approach he should’ve adopted from the start and is trying to adhere to it. He even cited specific examples of how he missed out big time on the compounding effect by selling too early. That doesn’t mean he won’t sell any stock (that’s an easy excuse one may use to equate it to their own strategies) but the underlying investment philosophy will be about finding those companies that can be held for a while. I’ve personally found this approach more appealing in theory and effective in practice. But the impact of this approach can only be seen over longer periods (which requires patience) and with the right companies (which requires better research). I can see why it’s harder for most “experts” to promote such an approach as they would have a lot less to talk about and sell :).
I think the key is to understand is whether the business is developing according to the :”hold forever” mantra. That is first, second is a factor of price and other opportunities!!
all of them in the portfolio are potential hold forever, but we have to see how the businesses develop!
I love your content. You make us think. We should not hold stocks ‘forever’, but studies sugest that ‘low turnover’ funds or investors have the greatest returns.
It depends, some companies over time change too like General Electric which comes to mind. Just look at the sp500 20 years ago and today, many are no longer there.
@Fil B So: No turnover is a problem. High turnover is a problem. Low turnover should be the right answer (studies, statistics, and the main Buffett example).
” When we own portions of outstanding businesses with outstanding managements, our favorite holding period is forever.” Buffett
Thanks Sven for this one – for me I underscore WHEN – Berkshire’s Holding period is Forever only when 1) Outstanding Business AND 2) Outstanding Mgmt. criteria are met.
Too many think once we buy a stock in a great business, the job is done. My 2 cents – that could be lazy passive investing!
I think Buffett needs to own it to know it:-)
yes @Value Investing with Sven Carlin, Ph.D. His protege Mohnish P says that you really get to know a business ONLY AFTER you own it ! : )
The counter argument to that maybe perhaps one is too lazy to go looking for them? There are many super investors who vouch for this philosophy and have stellar investment returns to prove it. Hold forever if taken literally sounds irrational but it really means doing substantial work upfront so effort can be minimized later. Think of it this way, if equity holding is to be regarded as “ownership in a business”, wouldn’t one do thorough homework to own the best businesses? And if the homework is done properly, how likely will the individual have to switch businesses in short time periods? If not for the convenience of the equity market it would be ridiculously cumbersome. Food for thought.
Buffet sold Verizon at a loss.
Sven, do you also sometimes sell at a loss? 🤓
you should not anchor your activity to your purchase price, but to your situation and how the current investment fits you!
I am more and more inclined to take Buffett’s advice and dolar cost average sp500 index fund VUSA (in Europe) especially when it crashes.
thanks for sharing!
Warren Buffett will never die because he’s too cheap to have a funeral
Berkshire being one of the best and safest stocks out there, what would be the reason to invest in BRK vs the SNP500?
I always think that Buffett just buys and sells “Value”.