Amazon stock is another better & better stock to purchase as the less expensive it is, the much better it is. It is regular for a company that folded the last 2 years to enter some headwinds. On the risk, depends upon the rate paid.
0:00 Amazon Stock Analysis
0:47 AMZN Stock Rate
2:58 Q3 Profits
8:45 AMZN Stock Appraisal
12:46 Danger & Reward
13:34 YT Portfolio
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So is BABA (also known as the forbidden company in the forbidden country). 😅
I thought you might have mentioned the Nick Sleep style of analysis where the public facing parts of AMZN tries to keep margins steady so that customers are rewarded thus generating increasing sales while AWS margins are more along the lines of what the market will bear as there are only 2 other companies offering similar services on the same scale.
yes, economies of scale shared, but you can’t mention everything every time!
I can count the purchases I’ve made on amazon on one hand, literally 5 things. Don’t know why just is the case for me lol.
but that is already something!
Video is missing your intrinsic value table (excel). I always like it.
Its impossible to do that for Amazon as that is based on free cash flow and right now they dont have any because of the reinvestment so it’s to uncertain to do a DCF model
hard to value from a linear perspective!
it needs to be valued in parts
@Value Investing with Sven Carlin, Ph.D. Try cyclical perspective then?
I am glad AMZN is in teaching portfolio. An opportunity to add, although I started adding early. Plan is to continue to add till it peaks in value in future. A long term hold
we value investors always buy too early!
Hi sven great video, what do you think of Value Investors Club I’d be interested to see if yku have an account there or not and your take on it?
I haven’t had the time yet to apply 🙁
I applied after I heard mohnish pabri talk about it and tbh it is a great site you should check it out
I would love to see a video on it Sven. Maybe cover the occasional write up that you think is good. I use frequently just to read other peoples ideas and opinions. generally quite well written investment theses
Sempre ben druze Sven,a 81 se compra.grazie per il servizio
Thanks for the video. I basically have the E-commerce and cloud companies that fit my portfolio after loading up during the last couple of months (BABA, JD, MELI, GOOGL, MSFT etc..), but if AMZN drops 20% I might find some room for it 😀
Why this tech expert never talks about microsoft as it doesn’t even exist 😀 I know its an old school company, but biggest and most profitable tech out there
because its overvalued still
No way amazon will make 10% net margin on its revenue. You can compare it with Walmart, which makes 2.36%. Retailers are not that different from one another
The Amazon Web Services makes it different from a retailer like Walmart. But nonetheless, I agree 10% net margin for Amazon over time seems quite optimistic.
Good video, informative, thank you
“Shameless plug alert”… hahahahahahahah you never cease to amaze and entertain me. Good Job!!
that is good, entertainment is key!
Could you make a video about Norse Hydro?
The stock price is somewhat lower, still solid business, sales of green aluminum are rising quicker than the market, has positioned itself in the battery recycling and hydrogen market.
thanks for suggesting, could be!
I will be a buyer @ $50 (2017 valuation). AMZN and stocks in general went crazy after Trump’s 2017 tax cuts. I think prices will return to pre-cut levels.
I finally got your book. Let’s read it!
great, enjoy!
Amazon pays too much in stock options, which I think overstated earnings and diluted shareholders.
good point!
Thank you Sven. Been watching for several years !👍
I can’t decide whether Amazon is a growth stock or value stock.
That’s some serious value voodoo