We continue with our investing hints and here is an easy service about taxes.
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Le niveau d’engagement ici est de premier ordre. Il est clair que tout le monde est profondément investi dans le sujet traité.😚
No sh*t nobody thought about that 😮
6 years old child level advice
The tail should never wag the dog…
Invite me over for the summer, Sven! Beautiful location. Ive been to Croatia. Loved it.
Thanks Sven! Amen!!!
When it comes to taxes, I disagree with you that you just pay them and carry on with your life. It is important to hire a tax attorney and investigate legal options for succession planning and taxes. And that doesn’t mean buying boats or real estate. In most situations it means having an off shore and investing via that structure to avoid the US Estate Tax of up to 40% on top of investments by foreign nationals, which, in my opinion, is just robbery. The only concern there is the amount of money you have invested and wether the profits you generate will pay for the upkeep of your offshore. Also don’t understand why the US charges 15% dividend tax on US citizens and 30% dividend tax on Brazilians. But that is what it is.
Us citizen dont pay dividend withholding tax.
Those legal options are why we have so many people pushing for elites to “pay their fair share” leading to more extreme views on taxes.
@@adammarette2491 I disagree. The population thinks that because they are led to believe that governments cannot do more with what they already tax. And that is a lie. Governments simply gobble up too much money and return way less than they should while still producing a deficit. The focus should be on reducing the government, putting bums to work, and making the system do more with less.
Sustain your local mafia
It might just be my country, but i have never seen taxable properties LOWER tax exposure. Land, buildings, and vehicles always RAISE total taxes.
good day Sven
2:07 great insight Sven, thanks for reminding all of us!
What about 1) Tax loss driven selling ? and 2) ETFs like SPY which over long enough periods should be up in nominal terms?
!I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks will be appreciated
You need an expert. I’m guided by Adviser Bruce Murdock a widely known consuitant.
I managed to grow a nest egg of around 120k to over a Million. I’m especially grateful to Adviser Bruce Murdock, for his expertise and exposure to different areas of the market.
My colleagues had a good laugh at me when I told them I started my journey with $50k capital and how I accumulated over 6 figures within a span of 7 months. They never believed me until I pulled out my P&L.
I know that learning the ins and outs of the market isn’t for everyone, that’s why personally, Bruce Murdock oversees my investments.
Without a doubt! Bruce Murdock is a trader who goes above and beyond. he has an exceptional skill for analyzing market movements and spotting profitable opportunities. His strategies are meticulously crafted based on thorough research and years of practical experience.
nice! once you hit a big milestone, the next comes easier. How can i reach him, if you don’t mind me asking?
Think of all the great investments that turned into ‘eh’ middle of the road investments or worse that people hung onto because ‘taxes though’ and the better opportunities that they didn’t move into because ‘taxes though’.
So sad.
Am I supposed to regret the six-figures that I made from covered call premiums? Should I never have done them because short-term capital gains? Hardly. I spent some of that money and reinvested the rest. I wouldn’t be where I am today had I not, according to some, made the poor decision to trade in such a way that created taxable invents at the worst rates that I could.
But if i buy an american dividend stock while living in italy dont i have to pay taxes on dividends two times?
Normally not. Most countries have anti double taxation conventions with one another, which means that you will get some tax relief on the dividend tax you would normally pay in Italy. You also have some ways, depending on the broker, to have a reduced rate of withholding tax at the moment of the distribution; this is normally 10%.
Only 25% tax? What about double taxation? if you dont live in NL you will get taxed at the source and then in your own country, the yield on these type of stocks gets cut in most cases in half even if you benefit from a tax treaty that reduces the impact of double taxation. If the dividend is not growing at least low double digits every year I dont even bother looking at it. The only dividend companies I hold are BAM and ASML because the dividend growth is great so I dont care if the yield is 1% or whatever after taxes, cause I know that the dividend is going to be 15% or whatever higher the next year. A high dividend yield like ACOMO that will stay relatively flat for years or inline with inflation is useless cause the double tax will eat everything and there is no growth, unless the underlying growths; but I guess at that point you should be better off investing on berkshire and wait for capital appreciation and buybacks rather than in ACOMO, just my opinion.
I am 73. I used Option A, with a modification. The funds I drew out of my IRA during the years age 62 to 70 I didn’t spend, but by conversion, put into my Roth IRA. So, all the market growth over the past 10 years in my Roth has been tax FREE. This is important, because once I hit age 70 and began collecting Social Sec, I did not want my bigger Social Security benefits to be pushed into a higher tax bracket due to Required Minimum Distributions that began for me at age 70
This is very close to what I want to do. I’m 55, but at 65 I retire and my six year younger wife works three or four years more while I do conversions, and then we both retire.
Especially for individuals who are getting close to retirement, hiring an adviser is the best course of action in the current market. I made almost $400K individually during this market slump, demonstrating that there is important information that the general public may not be aware of.
– move in countries which are tax friendly
– if u want divs buy uk stocks, no withholding taxes…
– finds where funds like blackrock or pimco setup their funds, its very interesting.
there is a real hypocrisy, every countries has his own tax heaven, texas delaware ireland uk
🗽 I could deduct a yacht expenditure from my income-tax… interesting model of some rich people. 🤨 Probably the yacht is only for business representation reasons. 🤔
In UK your dividend tax goes up to 45%. Dividend-paying stocks are out of the question.
I started my 100k portfolio last year with SCHD, VOO, and VUG after watching one of your videos. In terms of share price, VOO is up! and VUG is doing even better. This year, I’ve tried to add some more assets but unfortunately facing a decline.
diversification is important, but be sure to know what the heck you’re doing. I personally dabble in stocks, and my first rule is survival before flipping for chunky gains
I would rather delegate managing my portfolio to an advisor than watch my portfolio tank!
You really can’t fault people for making these strange erratic moves, taxation is theft at the end of the day. People don’t like being robbed.