In an interview in 1999 Buffett mentioned how he could ensure 50% each year if he would be managing smaller sized amounts. As larger sums aren't a problem for most of us, we can think about doing 50% annually …
my performance 16%.
Acomo Stock Analysis.
Nutrien 2020.
Oil 2020.
KWEB 2022.
YT Portfolio.
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I’m done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire$23,000 every 12 days of my investment ♥️.
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It has been awesome, really crypto is very frustrating.. I was astonishing how I made $80,000 with $20k as a Novice.i got to put in some $$$ in it though..
I can’t believe it🤗. I just bought a house after I invested $5000 and I now make $32, 500 ever 14 days. It’s been a life change experience🤗🤗
Actually when I saw testimonies all over the place! Honestly I thought it was all made up till was convinced, and I gave it a try sincerely don’t regret the move made cause I invested in a big way and I’m making my profits weekly…
Interesting…So all that Buffet has to do is to split Berkshire in 73.000 companies worth 1 million and Buffet will have a 800 percent higher return
He needs to find tens of thousands of money managers at the same level as himself
And they have to be willing to give most of the returns to the parent company
Audio only on left.
Swen, avoid such audio errors, you are a big channel, you may lose lots of people and in retourn they may lose lots of money.
Lol nobody cares
I just can’t listen to the video with audio like this.
Sempre ben druze Sven, grazie per il servizio
How is qudian doing?
Buffett would just goose returns using Arbitrage with leverage on announced deals that his judgement says will clear regulatory hurdles and acquirers have the history of successful take-overs and the cash on hand to do the deal for the date expected to close – easy-peasy – for him – not for us – LOL
@Sven: listening on headphones, your voice is 90% on the left side, and overall quite thin. Still ok to listen to, but I am sure something went wrong here
Sven have you looked at ARBKL and SIPRA?
ARBKL is interesting exchange traded debt of crypto miner. They should have enough liquidity to pay at least interest payments, which will almost cover principal in a few years. Upside gamble is if the principal can be repaid, which should be safe if BTC stays above $30k (that’s the major risk). Max upside about 4x in 3 years.
SIPRA is a liquidation play on Silvergate. If their books are not completely cooked, even with a major $100m+ lawsuit payout, their preferred shares SIPRA should be whole. Recently it has run up to $10 (I was in around $6), but thats still 2.5x to go till liquidation distribution day. Maybe in 8-20 months.
MPW might be such a rare opportunity. What do you think?
What do you think about buying high quality bank stocks in this downturn i.e., Bank of America and JPM? Almost seems like buying oil stocks in the spring of 2020.