Why is education so crucial? In this video, Phil is breaking down the impact of purposeful education in your life and in investing. From what he's reading, why you need to invest your time in all kinds of academic resources and how you can follow in the footsteps of the very best financiers on the planet like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger … you don't want to miss this video packed loaded with knowledge from our creator.
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My man ! Let’s go out and play
If you are enjoying ‘The Phoenix Project’, I would also suggest “The Goal” by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt (it was a mandatory read at B-School). ‘The Goal’ was kind of the predecessor to ‘The Phoenix Project’ – and, in my opinion, is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn little bit about operations (irrespective of large scale manufacturing or nimble software technology).
2:50 Thanks for the shoutout!
“Choose your teachers wisely” – Robert Kiyosaki 🤜
Phil offers an investing course too. He teaches what is outlined in his workshop and books. It’s a one or two years long course. You have to attend his workshop first. they will only tell you about the course in a follow-up phone call after you attend the workshop. It is expensive but packages his strategies pretty well. I was just a beginner investor who didn’t know how to value a company or how to pick the goood ones from the bad. Now I’m confident that I am not going to lose my shirt – especially now with this market looking so unstable. I still hate reading 10 K’s.