Silicon Valley Bank | InvestED Podcast | Episode 410

The recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank exposed some significant cracks in the way that banks have actually been doing business, and the turmoil is sending out shockwaves far beyond the tech sector.

Ill-advised choices from management compounded by market unpredictability and rising rates of interest is certainly a recipe for catastrophe. How can we examine these and other indication, like an over-reliance on a volatile tech sector, to anticipate and prevent future losses?

Join Phil and Danielle for a postmortem of SVB and a conversation of how its failure could impact value financiers.

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Silicon Valley Bank | InvestED Podcast | Episode 410

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. ‘All the president’s bankers’ – Nomi Prins. Some banks are more equal than others!

  2. This is definitely the best podcast out there, in my opinion! I just sometimes wish that Danielle would sit and listen without interrupting Phil! The man has so much knowledge that is super valuable for us to hear, when he starts going deep into a subject, it would be great to hear what he is saying without the interruptions!

  3. what happens if you had shorted the bank with puts,, do you still make money on the puts you bought????

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