Donald Trump has won the 2024 governmental election, now we wait to see how his promises hold up and impact the marketplace.
Here's Phil's hot take on the second era of Trump's presidency and what we ought to be searching for as Guideline # 1 Financiers in the coming week, months and years.
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Unfortunately, you have to someday repay the money you borrow.
My portfolio kicked a$$ under Biden
Most peoples’ did, it’s just that half of them can’t admit it publicly.
Where there is change, there is opportunity. The economic change expectations are high, hence opportunity abounds!
tariffs are by nature inflationary, and lead the tariff wars…bringing back industry to here is also inflationary because of our higher wages. Fair trade is the goal, all ships rise this way creating opportunties for all. We have become more of a service industry which will suffer in conflicts. The compounding of debt, like the compounding of investments work the same way…we will spend more servicing debt which mean less to invest…not a hard principle to understand. We will see how it goes…invest in resilient companies, avoid debt and speculation and one can prosper. just a few random thoughts…
yep. The biggest line item in our national budget is the national debt. Followed by the military. Social Security is marked as supposedly part of the federal budget, but the money for social security is supposed to be for that one program which pays for itself. At least, that’s what it was on paper.
I’m glad he won. I think we will all reap the benefits.
You do realise that consumers pay tariffs, not countried.
Agreed. I’m a life long Democrat but glad he won and looking forward to the better outcome for all.
I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I’m seeking to invest $100k across markets but don’t know where to start.
It’s important to have a well-thought-out strategy and not make impulsive moves based on short-term market fluctuations. Patience and a long-term perspective are key. You should consider a market expert to guide you.
Good to hear such, But getting one is easier said than cone. If its not too much to ask, do you know any legit ones?
Now go play!
Thank god someone is a voice of reason for this election lol
Ominous pause at the end there!
Tarriffs alone will raise inflation
Great wrap up, thanks