The Good, The Bad & The Retired | Success and Struggles in Retirement

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Retirement is a considerable life change, and it can be difficult to understand what to expect. In this video, we'll dive into two real-life situations to help you understand the prospective outcomes.


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The Good, The Bad & The Retired | Success and Struggles in Retirement

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. 📈📚 Join The Investing Academy ➤

    Are you retired yet? In this video we’ll whare two real-life retirement stories, one that has been a great experience and one that has been difficult. We’ll provide some tips to help you prepare for the best possible outcome for your own retirement.

  2. I know I’ve mentioned before, but I really appreciate your videos. I’m 38yo and can’t fully save for my retirement because I need to help my parents due to poor planning. I don’t want the history to repeat with me and I’m doing everything in my hands to cut this cycle. Thanks again!!

    1. @Marvin Pham sounds like you are getting complacent… did warren Buffet nap?… well, he probably does, I guess…

  3. This is a really effective teaching tool to share with anyone Between the ages of 15 to 40! Marc, with your experience directly with both cases it brings credibility to your point. And to your point, following ones interests outside of work is critical to a healthy transition into retirement. But, as we are all human, you can bring a horse to water but you cannot make it drink! Thanks Marc for sharing. 👍 🇨🇦

  4. I’ve seen few baby boomer clients similar to the second scenario. Their whole life is built around their career and once it’s lost they don’t know what to do. Some of them even developed severe mental health issues. It is quite important to find balance in life especially what motivates you outside of work (& family)

  5. Good thing to plan ahead of time to have enough at retirement, but then what’s the plan when you finally get there? Neat topic to think on, thanks

  6. Brilliant video – I love the planning I have done to date (still ~2 years from retirement) and I am happy that my approach echos a lot of what you just shared. THANK YOU !

  7. Solid video Marc, I’m 33 and try to practice this vision. This video actually gave me some helpful ideas of how I can track my progress month over month to stay on the right path.

  8. Just here to say I love your content and feel lucky to be of an age where I get to partake in this wealth of knowledge you’re sharing.

  9. As 50% of people are divorced, a video about being single and retiring would be great. As a single female in semi-retirement, more videos reflecting some of these real-life scenarios would be great!! This would also be key to encouraging younger singles to plan – no one should wait for a partner to plan!! 😅 Keep up the great videos.

  10. This is kind of unrelated but I have a question. I was kind of dumb a few years ago and opened a taxable personal account on Wealth Simple. I have plenty of contribution room for a TFSA. Does it make sense to sell everything in the taxable account (a few thousand) and then immidiately buy all the stocks/ETFs right after in a TFSA? Why or why not? I’ve learned a lot from your channel and others lately and I think this makes sense… I could sell my SCHD and buy it in my RRSP right away and sell my TD Bank and buy it right away in my TFSA for example. I feel like the savings over time will vastly trump any loses in the transfer between accounts right?

  11. Marc, i love this very informational video and I can relate myself to the first client. ❤😂 so far my retirement is working according to my plan.

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