How to buy your FIRST rental property ๐Ÿ  (where to buy, metrics to look at, and more!)

In 2015 I purchased 3 rental properties in the period of 2 months. I'm sharing with you what I found out to help you get to your first rental residential or commercial property too!

my FREE rental home cashflow calculator.

00:00 – introduction.
00:55 – deciding where to purchase.
05:36 – finding bargains.
10:16 – pulling the trigger.
11:38 – managing it.



to get in touch with individuals.
to compute your regular monthly payment.
to discover a trustworthy home manager.



I Will Teach You to Be Rich (hilarious how-to book on personal finance for millennials).

The Little Book of Common Sense (Jack Bogle's timeless suggestions on index funds).

InvestED (step-by-step, millennial-friendly recommendations on how to pick stocks like Warren Buffett).

Unshakeable (this book = courage. blast ALL the fears & misunderstandings you have about ).

Rich Dad Poor Daddy (# 1 selling individual financing book of all time … need I say more?).

Believe and Grow Abundant (the supreme book on cash frame of mind and wealth consciousness).



YNAB (I literally can't live without this budgeting app, so consumed).

Wise (like Venmo but for global currencies – I use this app a LOT for my life in Mexico).

High-Yield Savings Accounts (do not settle for 0% when you can get 3%+ on your savings).

Ledger Nano S (crypto storage hardware wallet, because "Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto"!):.



This content is for education and home entertainment functions just. Rose does not provide tax or financial investment suggestions. The details is existing without factor to consider of the investment goals, danger tolerance, or financial situations of any particular investor and might not appropriate for all investors. Previous performance is not a sign of future outcomes. All investing includes threat, consisting of the possible loss of principal.

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How to buy your FIRST rental property ๐Ÿ  (where to buy, metrics to look at, and more!)

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. Rose you should do a video on divorce and how to limit one’s financial liability during the separation process (prenup postnup and their success rate in court etc.). I’m 32 and have created a nice net worth for myself but I am afraid to get married just to have the marriage fail and loose half of my NetWorth after all my sacrifice to get there financially. Also, Great content, thank you Rose!

    1. if you truly love someone, you shouldn’t be worrying about your lover taking your shares of wealth.

    2. Are you familiar with “Marriage and How to Avoid It” by Guy Blews? If not it might be of interest, and helpful..
      It’s a short book aimed at both men and women.

    3. โ€‹@M BankI wish I’d listen to my mom….you must think like this period. He’s being proactive

    4. @M Bank Shouldnt that same lover also be happy to sign a prenup to ensure the person whodid all of the work to earn the wealth is protected and leave with only what they came into the relationship with?

    1. I’d say at least 20% for a down payment (depends on the median home price of where you’re looking to buy – so if the average price is $200k you’d need around $50k), plus like 3 months of the mortgage payment set aside as cash reserves in case there’s vacancy and whatnot.

  2. Do you have any experience or insight on buying a small Airbnb property? Is the percentage yeild similar to calculate as buying a 12m long rented property, or is there a way to calculate for the times it wont be rented?

    1. Don’t do it. Lots of hassle. One squatter can make the entire venture not worth it. You’re effectively a hotel but with no protections from the law to evict a non paying squatter. Normal rentals have maybe 5-10% eviction rate. With so much churn as a pseudo-hotel, that means you better know the law or have a lawyer ready to be filing for you constantly.

    2. I don’t have any experience with Airbnb investments, but my friend Robuilt’s channel is chock full of info about that!

  3. Great video Rose, but you forgot to talk about the license to steal money that real estate can be because of the tax breaks allowed by the current tax law.

    1. Those tax breaks were given to encourage investment in the real estate industry. If you dislike it, write your senator.

  4. Thank you so much for this!! ๐Ÿ˜Š Iโ€™m really putting in a lot of hours at work to help me get my first property!! Super excited!

  5. Thank you Rose! I love your videos and truly learn so much from every video. These motivate me to hold my feet to the fire and face my fears head on. Again thank you so much.

  6. This was so informative Rose, thank you for this. It’s also a huge goal of mine to own multiple properties for investments, so I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us. If you haven’t already, I would LOVE to refer back to a playlist you perhaps create about your real estate investing journey. It can show you how much you’ve grown over the years and also be a reference for the complete beginner that’s getting into real estate investing to save them from some of the hardaches you went through. Thanks again, AWESOME video!

  7. I have been waiting for a video like this for a while, I was so curious about how you felt secure and ran the numbers despite living far away. I have considered real estate myself and I appreciate your cost breakdown and for taking the time to create this content. I wish you all the best in life and finance, keep hustling

  8. So happy to hear more from you about finances. I hope to see more from you about your financial journey. Your expo is very insightful and inspiring.

  9. How about if the rent goes down? I live in Vegas and we just moved and got a much better deal than 2 years ago. Hope it works out for you.

  10. So insightful! Do you take into account the fact that tenants sometimes don’t pay on time and that you will have to cover the payments? I’m currently paying off my first home (will be about a year soon) but will look for an investment property sometime later this year so definitely a good video to watch! If you were currently paying off your home, at what point would you start looking for an investment property?

    1. True, you might want to factor in 3-5% vacancy allowance, to be even more conservative in your estimates. If you’re only a year away from paying off your home, I’d start looking now just to see what’s out there and hit the ground running when you’re ready!

    2. @Rose Han oh sorry I said that wrong. I’m only a year into paying my home haha, so opposite scenario.

  11. Fun to see your journey. We jumped in last year and bought 3 rentals. Got one more this year. I went through very similar learning lessons and others including bad management, tenant eviction, etc but at the end of the day real estate is a great place to investment

  12. Very insightful, Iโ€™d really like to know how much you invested and how much you make per month. Would really help me understand the kind of cash I would need to get where I want to be

  13. Rose, you and your channel are a true blessing to so many. Lots and lots of people spend their lives wondering if theyโ€™ve made a difference. You donโ€™t have that problem. Viva la Rose Han. Long may you run.

  14. I tried renting out property, for me it was a pain in the as*, renters trying to get out of paying rent, renters destroying my property, and renters always complaining about light bulbs not working! If I were to rent out property in the future, I would only do month to month leases, because if a tenant doesn’t work out you can get them out real fast, especially if they don’t pay the rent, because who wants to spend their time in court suing someone that has no money!

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