Canadian Bank Earnings Part 2, Bitcoin ETFs, Auto Strike Looming, Burger King Sued

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Canadian Bank Profits Part 2, Bitcoin ETFs, Automobile Strike Looming, Hamburger King Sued


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Canadian Bank Earnings Part 2, Bitcoin ETFs, Auto Strike Looming, Burger King Sued

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a Stellantis employee represented by the Unifor union. I’ve got my ear to the ground on this issue. From everything I’m hearing, the US should prepare for a strike. If that happens I think it might shut down Canadian operations as well simply due to parts and associations, etc. Not sure about Canada though. Unifor has just announced they’re focussing all their negotiation powers on Ford and if an agreement is reached that will be the pattern for the agreements with the other two automakers. If an agreement is not reached with Ford and a strike happens then likely all three automakers workers will strike.

  2. Hey, thanks for your effort in delivering all the recent news however I am more interested to know what your views are on the news and more analysis because I get the news anyways from traditional channels. Thanks!

  3. It’s been probably a decade since I last had a fast food burger,but I feel like the menus used to have the weight of the burgers printed on them. 🤔 in any case,I kind of think fast food joints could prevent some of this getting sued stuff,by simply publishing the actual size by weight on their menu and putting a “actual product may appear different than this stupid picture” statement on their poster. People sure do love to sue though,so maybe it’s irrelevant.🤣

  4. Face the lamp to the wall :p it will bounce and diffuse the light. Your pretty face will be nicelly lighted :] nice video too!

  5. The Burger King suit amuses me more than it should. I think it may be because I worked at Burger King when I was in High School.

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