Welcome to Elon Musk 3.0 – Twitter, Tesla, SpaceX (Ep. 590)

Twitter just revealed today that they have actually agreed to be gotten by Elon Musk for $44 billion.

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Welcome to Elon Musk 3.0 – Twitter, Tesla, SpaceX (Ep. 590)

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    1. @Bill Murray “free speech? Think you need to understand what free speech pertains ..”

      I know what free speech is, do you? Do you deny that free speech is being attacked on some social media platforms?

    2. @Yourcrazybear there is no right to free speech on a private platform. You don’t understand what free speech is…

    3. @Yourcrazybear you can’t walk into Starbucks and start screaming racist remarks or profanity. It is not a public setting. Understand?

    4. @Bill Murray “there is no right to free speech on a private platform.”

      On the contrary, if the platform simple hosts user generated content like WordPress or Twitter, there is a right of free speech. The same is true for ISPs or web hosts. They are the digital equivalent of a public square.

      “you can’t walk into Starbucks and start screaming racist remarks or profanity. It is not a public setting. Understand?”

      That’s just a silly strawman. No one have claimed that private properties are a public setting. Please atleast try to be honest here.

  1. I expect this will work out great. It’s Elon, so it should. I expect politicians, right, left and center, are in for a thrashing. Politicians need to do their jobs better. Everyone agrees with this.

    1. @Jeffrey Hampton Wow. OK, this is what you mean! I had not conceived of this very representative-democracy idea on Twitter, but this is very interesting. This could be very powerful indeed.

      This seems like a Jeffrey Hampton concoction & not an Elon one, though :). He didn’t say he’d do this, did he?

      You’ve made me more excited about it, thanks!

    2. This will make Russia strong when they can spread their own stories while they don’t let their own people see western stories

    3. @Oliver Burke Hey, thanks Oliver. Elon wrote a short message about his intentions. It’s on his Twitter feed. Jack Dorsey is very pleased about Elon taking the reigns. He always felt bad that his creation didn’t pan out like he hoped. Jack’s an odd duck but a nice fella. I’m doing some educated guessing here but, I think I’m on it pretty good.

    4. @Jeffrey Hampton It sounds Elonesque too ;). I’m looking fwd to it. Thanks for the discussion :). Dave’s a nice place to come for high level discussions on what could be next 🙂 Ciao for now!

  2. There’s a part of this that is also about self preservation. As influential as Elon is as the world richest man, an innovator & businessman, his ability to speak freely and advocate for his vision for the future can be compromised at any time by overzealous activists.

    Elon knows that if they can silence other powerful (yes including the ex president) and influential people for not agreeing with the orthodoxy du jour, they can certainly do it to him on a whim. And he’ll never fully know why since their algorithm is hidden.

    So, for someone with big ambitions, Elon knows that having the ability to proliferate his ideas freely without fear of arbitrary censorship is a strategic imperative. Making sure that one of the most powerful and consequently digital public spaces remains free is an important long-term strategic move.

    P/S — I also thinks he genuinely cares about free speech. But let’s not be naive to think this move is all 100% altruistic.

  3. Getting rid of bots and advertisers will rip the guts out of the worst of the social media blights. Bring it back to what actual people think (not bots) without a profit motive and let the battle of ideas play out without all that noise ruining the signal.

  4. Twitter data will also prove to be very useful & valuable for the TeslaBot. After all, we want the bots to have a humanlike discourse that is good for the future

  5. Twitter has huge potential, and Elon will unlock it. He has the vision, execution, and leadership to make it the most influential social platform in our times.

  6. Elon has single handedly significantly increased my confidence in a future I will be happy to live in. Genuine Hero!!

    1. A lot of people were looking forward to humanity failing. Elon is ruining things for them. Some popular religions for example.

    2. Elon is one of the main figures who has kept me from falling into a deep depression (due to anxiety about the future) over the years.

  7. While I see several possible snags with this acquisition, second guessing the Muskrat is pointless. I like your clear eyed, yet positive take on things Dave. Keep up the good work.

  8. Elon should have new auditing staff members he trusts, to come in and pull all system logs for account actions from Twitter servers. Hopefully there are discernible ways to determine which previous employees were oppressing free speech or arbitrarily banning / penalizing accounts. New safe guards should be put in place to limit Twitter administrators from arbitrarily limiting or affecting accounts. Also a policy of No Group Accounts should be strictly enforced, so that all employees at Twitter can be closely monitored as individuals for their actions on maintaining systems and to assure they are not behaving as woke activists to oppress free speech on individual accounts. Administrator Roles and Privileges on Twitter systems should be scrubbed from top to bottom, and the ability to block or suspend accounts should be extremely limited, with only extreme cases of malicious information being considered for account limitations (such as introduction of malware, bots, death threats, safe-information leaks, false threats, ransom threats, etc.). Even in the case of extreme malicious information, Twitter systems should have mechanisms in place that require a Consensus (majority vote of random selected moderators) so that no one single individual can exact free speech oppression on a Twitter account. These are some safe guards I think should be put in place as I highly doubt if any of them are in place at Twitter already. He also should have his cybersecurity teams search carefully to assure that previous Twitter employees aren’t leaving any ghost subroutines or algorithms on systems, or possibly any date/event-triggered malware which might do harm to data or accounts, in an effort to make it look like crazy things are happening to Twitter data under Elon’s stewardship. Actually I think Elon should bring in his own employees and cybersecurity experts to monitor Twitter systems ASAP to assure malware isn’t being left on the servers. I do not trust current Twitter employees even 1%. They allow Putin to tweet freely, while banning our own president – which is severely wrong.

    1. I don’t agree with 99% of what Trump thinks or says, but I would never ban someone for ideas I don’t like, especially a sitting president.

  9. Here’s my HOPE FOR TWITTER and HUMANITY. I hope as Elon fights to stop bots and spam accounts we will all be willing to accept our role in keeping our democracy functioning by not only opening lines of communication, but by being willing to challenge what we are told by seeking out FACTS. We have collectively gone backwards into tribalism and would rather die on a hill for something we believe but don’t KNOW just so we can stay in our safe zone.

    If you think Elon isn’t for pressing your buttons or will support you not being challenged, then you have NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION. A democracy won’t survive or thrive if people are not willing to do their part. That does not mean being nasty, or name calling others (that is just being childish and immature) it also won’t survive if we value comfort over TRUTH.

    One of the things that was reinforced for me with Elon is how deeply truth matters, how personal the actions of the SEC and the “funding secured” saga hurt. The actions of those involved were a cruel lesson to him and as more and more information is revealed his disgust with some at the SEC becomes even more understandable.

    If we don’t challenge ourselves and those in power over what is right or take a stand we will quietly loose our ability to do so. I’m not talking about just protesting in the streets I’m talking about even being able to even ask a question of those who would dictate to us, from parents to public officials.

    Adulting is hard, but this is part if it. It’s great to goof around and trade memes, but when the chips are down we should all have at our core principals and integrity that we will STAND UP FOR.

    I think we have seen what Elon will put himself on the line for, from his factory being wrongfully shut down, to govt. agencies hiring those with conflicts of interest. We’ve watched many in power at the highest levels break laws and cause suffering with very little push back in some cases, while huge eruptions of anger and protests have resulted in others.

    It’s messy having a democracy so I’m not expecting it all to get better overnight nor for it to fall to Elon to get the job done. IT’S OUR JOB TO MAKE IT BETTER WITH ELON. That is what I hope all who use Twitter and any social platform will think. It’s not required of course, you can stay the way you are (you’re FREE) but as for me, Elon won’t stand alone.

  10. I pray that Twitter will achieve as high a standard of excellence as Tesla has. We should strive for excellence in our behaviors not perfection.

  11. I am 74 and have never joined Twitter because of it biases. I will join Twitter now and hopefully Elon has positive plan for our free speech going forward. God Bless Elon.

  12. If you are building a General AI, access to cotemporary human interaction data – lots of it – would probably be very useful. Is this a strategic buy for Optimus?

  13. Well said Dave. Lead, follow but don’t get into in the way. Elon is leading. Not driven by greed, but sincerely for doing what he can to help “us” become the best we can be. Kudos to Elon.

  14. Through Elon, l feel more positive about my future. Thank you Elon Musk 💚🌍
    Excellent content Dave, thanks for sharing

  15. Dave,
    Elon deserves to be commended for having achieved great things with that unusual brain of his. We certainly can’t deny him his accomplishments, and his foresight that has informed his vision of how best to help us help ourselves out of the “Don’t Look Up” scenario that our species finds itself.
    Tesla is about hope. SpaceX, however; is about despair. I have heard Elon say as much when talking about colonizing Mars. This is a give up on humanity play. He talks about preserving consciousness. What do you think the implications of that really are.
    I am happy to invest in Tesla. It is impactful in its mission. Accelerating the transition to renewable energy generation and consumption.
    Having said all of this, I am tentative about showering Elon with unlimited praise. He is, after all, a person with limits as well. He has an ego. He has been and continues to be in a war with entrenched and powerful institutions that will necessarily be diminished by the course change that humanity must take to avert the destruction of our ecosystem. The battles of war scar. I am worried that the Twitter acquisition is more about a bruised ego than about “Free Speech”, which ,by the way, is a topic deserving of an entire law and ethics course. The idea of Free Speech was a much simpler proposition at the time when the US constitution was first understood to need some amending. Modern internet based communication requires us to reevaluate how we apply Free Speech when certain algorithms elevate certain speech over other speech, and certain people necessarily have outsized amplification. Twitter is a mine field. Elon has stepped into it and he will find himself having to spend a lot of time and energy defending himself. He has just jumped into the same waters as Mark Zuckerberg must swim in.
    I think that there are still shareholders that Elon will be responsible and accountable to, fiducially speaking. This will be decision making distortion at the outset.
    So Dave, I don’t share your relentless enthusiasm for Elon, but for my own wealth interests I hope that you are right.

  16. Dave, your perspectives reflect a great deal of common sense, and practicality on the issues surrounding current events. Thanks for the updates.

  17. “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” –Mark Caine

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