The Greatest Double Down in History – TeslaCon Texas Sandy Munro, Emmet Peppers, Dave Lee (Ep. 589)

Here's a talk I provided on April 8, 2022 at TeslaCon Texas 2022. I was signed up with by @Munro Live and @Good Soil Financial Investment Management. I had a blast meeting lots of viewers and belonging to this. Thanks to Tesla Austin Owners Club led by Matt Holm and Anuarbek Imanbaev, and many of all to Matthew Tower who arranged the event.

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The Greatest Double Down in History – TeslaCon Texas Sandy Munro, Emmet Peppers, Dave Lee (Ep. 589)

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About the Author: Richard Money


  1. I don’t think that Optimus will be the last double down, and I also doubt it will be Tesla’s greatest double down. Optimus will only take everything even further by several magnitudes of order.

    1. @DarkWing494 Environmentally sustainable mining will not be possible to achieve without new technologies. and I don’t think that risks of tecnological or monetary nature would stop Tesla to do anything that is considered to have a positive impact towards the set goal to achieve sustainable Energy for this planet.

    2. Elon is already 50 .. He is in a state of emergency . I don’t think there’s much time left for him to double down on much things

    3. @Emma Sure, for some people 30-35 additional years at any age is not enough to achieve one single thing.

  2. Dave Lee is lengend not only when it comes to Tesla and investing but as a person. Love all that you do for the community. I haven’t made a comment on your videos but I’ve been a follower for some time. Dave along with Emmet, Sandy and too many to name, is saving the “Millennium Generation” from making the same mistakes our parents and ancestors made. Looking forward to many more videos!!

  3. loved to see sandy ,emmet and dave on the same page…..its like a dream come true….
    btw sandy’s opening statements are awesome….yes “ELON IS AN ALIEN”….

    you can love elon or hate elon but you cant ignore him…..if anything is gonna be changed in the world then he is the man to do it……”ELON IS AN FKN EMOTION”

    1. Maybe he’s the ultimate evolution of Optimus Prime, returned from the future like Terminator to save humanity from Bill Gates and Vladimir Putin.

  4. Dave comes 100% prepared with notes and a timetable, Sandy starts talking about beer, the founding fathers and aliens.. Dave glances at his notes, ok we’ll cut this and this and we can shorten this, maybe get that in if we’re lucky. Nice try Dave, we appreciate the effort! Lol! All good fun.

    1. I think Sandy was replacing someone else on the panel on short notice, so he was not even supposed to be there.

  5. Suggestion, Dave, if you’re looking for ideas for a video. I love Elon and all, but I’d love to learn more about the Tesla team that’s so amazing, too. Like Drew Baglino and Zach Kirkhorn and Andrew Karpathy. After all, Tesla now has over 100k people! Just a thought. Love your videos, and thanks.

  6. Loved this Dave! Thanks for sharing such exciting dreams about a living engineering and business legend! This, us, is a community that participates in the collective consciousness of a wonderful philanthropic vision, each of us, in our own unique way, helps to make it happen.

  7. I think the difference between Tesla and ALMOST ANY OTHER COMPANY is that their double downs are OPPORTUNITIES THAT ARE very carefully and selectively guided by information, and data analysis, not blind bets. Elon is choosing and carefully SELECTING which area to apply the limited resources of developmental planning and design effort, in pursuit of carefully and selectively defined CLEAR GOALS AND PURPOSES

  8. This was awesome, Dave! I continue to appreciate the good production in content, and also the good vibes you put out instead of the negativity and dishonesty out there. Facts will eventually win out, but I appreciate you adding respect and kindness along the way. 🙏

  9. Love Sandy’s take on solar and powerwalls. He always finds a way to make significant points that have meaning. I also value our solar PV system and powerwalls, which keep our electric bills low < than $200/year in our all electric home, while also charging our two Tesla's and exporting about half our excess solar generation back to grid in Edmonds, WA.

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