Inside Elon Musk’s secret pitch deck to investors (Ep. 596)

Can Elon Musk make it take place again like he's done at Tesla, SpaceX and more?

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Inside Elon Musk’s secret pitch deck to investors (Ep. 596)

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  1. Will definitely invest as a retail when it’s on the market again this time around. Forza Elon!

  2. Twitter with Elon at the helm will likely have the potential to launch products that can directly compete with FB and Insta.

    1. Well said. I’ve yet to see any videos on this massive potential. And no one reads my comments. Thanks to algo and my way of speaking. I find YT to be an echo chamber sometimes even with the cutting edge.

  3. Another great discussion – and lovely to see a little more of Dave’s family – in the countryside doing healthy stuff!

  4. Elon buying the Twitter was not a impulsive purchase. He has well thought through and had the plan and team way before he announced his move. 👍

    1. But the MSM told me that everything Elon does is based on childish impulse so I’m going to believe them…

  5. Elon Musk is a huge part of the success of any company he is associated with, my biggest concern is that he has swatted the hornets nest of some of the most corrupt, unscrupulous ,and funded people on the planet recently. Tesla needs it’s front man, hopefully he has the best security money can buy.

    1. My only comfort on it is, he’s not going to be reckless in any way that would allow those people to take him out. He knows who they are, and how they think. Elon wants to bring mankind up to a higher level of freedom. The Pentagon hornets don’t want that.

    2. Tesla has so much momentum now it can thrive without Elon. Just as Apple thrived without Steve Jobs. SpaceX isn’t nearly as secure, yet

  6. Dave …have a great trip, super to see you having fun and so cute the kids playing in the dirt…best toy ever! X

  7. Great summary Dave, and thanks for the clips in the end, nice to see how you guys are doing now while on the trip 👌🏻

  8. Great video. Particularly enjoyed the ending! Quite inspiring to driving finding a different life especially with children.

  9. Always putting your family first gives you the balance to be the excellent advisor you are.

  10. Great to see the family Dave. Good to see y’all out in the camper. Elon has big hopes and this wants me to buy a little twtr lol.

  11. Loved the last par Dave…your family enjoying and being close to the best thing out there… nature ✨

  12. Interesting insights Dave. The end of this video is amazing, great to see the kids having a blast.

  13. Love the pitch to investors-on the one hand precise and aggresive and on the other a total wild card, the unknown feature or whatever ”X”. No one else could ask investors for this level of trust in an unknown and hope to get away with it. Extraordinary!

  14. love to see more of such snippets of what goes on behind the camera Dave! the last couple minutes are golden

  15. I love your calm, common sense videos. The best part was the end with your family. My wife and I did the same thing 40 years ago with our then young kids, like yours. It is something we still remember to this day. My son is now 50 and has done the same with his kids. Build some great memories and enjoy life.

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